My husband and I saved long and hard for our first home deposit. There were so many years of studiously squirreling money into an account, working overtime and basically erasing overseas holidays from our memories. Don’t get me wrong, it was our choice and we were at that stage in our lives where we could dedicate the time and energy to do so. I am concerned though that my kids are too entitled. That all that they see around them, although quite modest in the scheme of things, is what they believe they should have. Do they understand that to have what we have, we’ve had to work hard and save for?
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in her own words.
Children need and should be able to enjoy a certain carefree existence. But how do we get them to appreciate what they have and to strive towards something in the future? Where is the middle ground?
By leading by example. By setting goals. By making it fun.
Parents with Children Aged Birth to 5
• When shopping with your child, don’t get into the habit of buying them something every time you go out. I know it’s an easy trap to fall into. You want to keep them happy and to be honest, there is a part of you that really enjoys doing it for them. But it becomes nothing more than a bad habit they both expect and eventually, no longer appreciate.
Top Comments
Great points :)
Something that I have been thinking about actually, with regards to how i have been raised.
My parents were always very secretive about their money & finances yet always told me what I should be doing with my money when I started earning. I didn't do what they said & was not into saving, got myself into (luckily small) debt & never really got a grasp paying things on time, etc. I understood it all, I just didn't do it.
My husband is the opposite. A saver, a planner. I learnt a lot from him about taking responsibly, & as we got to know each other & spoke about things like money, the future, how we were raised, I learnt that his parents were always very open about things like what their bills are like, how their mortgage works, etc (all at appropriate ages).
So, overall, I think these points are great as I see a correlation to how these attitudes have affected our lives. I have a very young one at home & make the point to not buy him every new thing on the shelves & not to buy him something each trip as well, so good to see that as a suggestion with regards to not building a feeling of entitlement from a young age :)
My 5-year-old got paid her first wages the other day. She helped the wood guy carry and stack wood and he gave her $5 (out of the tip I gave him).
She does get paid pocket money for set jobs around the house but has been told she won't get paid every time I ask her to do something and if she refuses to do what she's ask she won't get pocket money for her set job because helping is part of being a family. She gets this.
Also, we're planning to implement a giving concept too. So not just spending and saving but giving too. I'll encourage her to think about what sort of charity she wants to give to.
I'm on a single mothers pension by the way. I know what it's like to watch every cent.