
Bec Judd dishes her top 3 tips for the perfect Christmas lunch. And there are some surprises.

Alright, are you listening? Sit down. Get a pen and paper.

Goddess mother and all-round Australian obsession, Bec Judd, has given us precious insight into her perfect life by releasing her Christmas entertaining tips. Homg.

Writing for Super Savvy Me, Bec has heard our cries of ‘More! More!’ and cracked the curtains to give us a peek inside the Judd Christmas party.

Bec reckons this is her “…most chaotic Christmas yet”, thanks to the arrival of twins Tom and Darcy earlier this year. And yet, Christmas at her place still sounds a damn lot fancier than our prawns-and-thousand-island-dressing version on the back deck.

Here’s the inside scoop on Bec’s top three Christmas tips.


1. Seafood. Fancy seafood.

“Summer equals Seafood – so we get loads of it,” says Bec. “Oysters, prawns, crayfish, you name it. Best of all, they require no cooking at all!  I’ll artfully arrange it all on a platter and serve it with flavoured mayos which are super easy to whip up.”

Bec’s secret recipe seafood dip is super easy: just mix sriracha chilli, mango, wasabi or anything else you like into Japanese kewpie mayo. Yum.

But Bec knows the Aussie Christmas seafood rush takes prep:

“…Be sure to order it all well ahead, because I know I’m not the only one with this great idea!”

#aussieseafood #bucketofprawns #prawns

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2: Coca-Cola Christmas Ham.

Just like beer-can chicken, Bec knows the power of the syrupy cola drink for creating the perfect glazed ham.

“Laugh if you like, but I cook my Christmas ham in Coca-Cola. Google it if you don’t believe me I promise you, it’s a thing; Martha Stewart and Nigella both have their own recipes.” writes Bec.

“If I’m feeling fancy I’ll add brown sugar and mustard, and stud that baby with some cloves, but even if I keep it simple it’s still delicious.”

Easter ham! ???????? #cocacolaham #tastyfood #meat #easter #jlgqspecial #ham

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#3: Nigella Lawson’s Choccie Pav.

Bec has jazzed up the standard store-bought-pav-and-fresh-fruit combo by dabbling with Nigella’s famous chocolate pav.

“Speaking of Nigella, her chocolate Pavlova cannot be beaten,” says Bec.

“That chocolate meringue base, all crisp and chewy, topped with cream, grated chocolate and summer berries…it’s just a killer combination and it looks the goods too. I’ll get organised and have the base all ready to go. Then top it on the spot and serve it to my friends and family. Can’t wait!”



Now, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll run out with that list and stock up on exactly what Bec Judd has listed above.

‘Tis the season.