Going into pregnancy and motherhood I felt really confident that I had a good support network around me, because I knew lots of mums.
I had friends who had had babies recently, friends who had just put their youngest into high school and everything in between. I was even part of a group of mums that already met regularly. I was sure I had the advantage of a brains trust of experienced mums who had already encountered all my questions and found the best solutions.
As I navigated pregnancy and my changing body, prepared my house and put together my registry list however, I started to notice a pattern.
Every time I asked a question or mentioned a decision we were making, my anxiety levels started to spike with the overwhelming flood of information and advice I received. Often, I would ask a question about one topic, and find myself inundated with a cascading flow of instructions.
I would ask how many ultrasounds someone had had in their pregnancy, and we would somehow jump to baby wearing. I can track the flow of conversation:
Oh, you don't need that many ultrasounds.
Less intervention is better.
You'll be wanting a natural birth and to avoid the epidural.
Breastfeeding is harder if you have a caesarean.
Babywearing is best for feeding out and about.
One question turned into 10. One topic opened up a whole world of opinions.
Look, I am aware I probably opened myself up to this flood by asking questions and showing myself willing to hear inherited wisdom. But my inquiries or questions on a particular topic were quickly taken as an invitation for not just shared wisdom (this worked for me, this didn't), but the individual 'how to parent' guide of each mum I spoke to.
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