The internet has taught us, in short, everything we know.
While we're sure people got by just fine before googling even became a verb (although we're not sure how), it's no secret that the internet shook the modern world as we know it. It's revealed truths, it's brought injustice to light, it's generally made human civilisation more connected and informed, and also taught us how to be... functioning human beings. With tutorials.
Of course, there is no internet – meaning NO search engines, no streaming, no social platforms – without a good, strong modem to do the heavy lifting.
Gone are the days when we nagged our brothers for a turn on the dial-up family computer, when the new Optus Ultra WiFi Modem exists. As someone who works on the internet, learns from the internet and connects socially through the internet – I've always relied on a strong and sturdy internet connection to keep me going. Heck, haven't we all. The best thing about the Optus Ultra WiFi Modem is that it does its job. Very well.
Optus' new Modem guarantees that the internet is reliably speedy, that video tutorials or gamers won't have their entertainment buffering or lagging, and that there will be a strong connection in every corner of the house.
To show just how much we need a WiFi connection, Mamamia reached out to our wider community to ask women what exact life (or any) skill the internet has taught actually them.
Below, 13 women share their greatest lessons and learnings with us.
"The internet genuinely taught me how to cut my hair. Specifically my bangs – because I was craving something short and sweet. I also dyed my hair myself that day (I'm a natural blonde) from learning online what NOT to do. Thanks, internet." - Clarice Wood.