When was the last time you laughed so hard you peed? Not, like totally peed your pants, but felt things get a little bit * cough * moist down there – and not in a good way, if you get my drift.
Last week? An hour ago? A month ago?
Maybe you sneezed, or coughed and felt it. Maybe you were watching a classic episode of Friends and you just. Couldn’t. Stop. Laughing. My point is – no kidding – this is something that a lot of women are dealing with on a daily basis.
For women over 35, this sort of light bladder leakage (or LBL if you’re into acronyms) is something that one in three have experienced. It’s really, really, common.
But it’s also not just an older woman’s problem, as many people believe. Half of all cases occur in women under 40. There’s no shame in it, and it’s not just a sign of your body getting older.