
The Top 40 song that says what none of us want to admit about relationships.

There’s a beautiful new song you would have heard on the radio recently, and it says what very few love songs dare to say.

It comes and goes in waves
It always does, it always does

Waves, by Sydneysider musician Dean Lewis, has exploded onto the charts recently, and says what all of us are scared to say about love: it’s never 100 per cent, even when you think it is.

Because really, love is fickle. Love changes and tugs and pulls and stretches and is never a sure thing. Especially when the lust and desire fades with age.

The music video that accompanies the song depicts exactly what Lewis describes in his lyrics – a love between two people that might just not be enough to counter everything else.

They love each other, but every day the boredom or anger or resentment crashes down.

“Waves is about the losing that sense of excitement little by little as the years pass,” Lewis told music blog Something You Said last year.

Freedom, falling, the feeling that I thought was set in stone
Slip through my fingers, trying hard to let go
It comes and goes in waves
It comes and goes in waves
It carries us away

You still love the person, but the relationship is devoid of fireworks. There are no passionate arguments, or explosive expressions of adoration, or anything with an intensity above a flicker, really.


It’s a mature love, but it’s not always a fun love.

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You love the other person, and you don’t always want to leave.

… You just want to leave sometimes.

And that’s the message that resonates so strongly with people – because it’s true. None of us can truly ever know.

I watched my world view disappear in front of my eyes
Moments of magic and wonder seems so hard to find
Is it ever coming back again?
Is it ever coming back again?
Take me back to the feeling when
Everything was left to find

Even in the most comfortable, rock-solid of relationships, there are still days when you can’t help but wonder if maybe this isn’t for me anymore.

And that’s the beauty of it, you never really know.

Because love comes and go in waves. It always does.