Ask Mia Anything | Mamamia Office & Its Perks

Welcome to Ask Mia Anything. In this series, Mia answers the questions you’ve always wanted to know. In today’s episode, she takes you through Mamamia's office journey, the perks of working there, and the future of office spaces.

Do you have a burning question for Mia to answer in future episodes? Ask a question in the submissions box below!

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sibbyclays 2 years ago
Hi, I'm not sure if I am commenting in the right place?? I wanted to make a comment about the cancelling of Hugh Sheridan. I think in all jobs it is important to  make a distinction between the professional and personal self. Working in Healthcare you may experience verbal abuse, hostility etc from a patient or their family who are going through a bad time. THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU. You need empathy and understanding about where that other person is coming from. The trans community have is real rough time (massive understatement) let them express themselves. Hugh needs to be able to separate his professional self from his personal. The trans community don't really hate him it is what he is representing in his professional life. If we stop taking things personally, where we are the centre of everything, step back, we can see the real complexity of a situation and be objective. I have learned never to take anything personally in my work life and 9 out of 10 times the person who has been "rude" apologies eventually and the other one, who cares.........