The thing about travelling around Europe with a (nearly) one-year-old is that it’s exactly like backpacking in your twenties. Except the complete opposite.
For instance, you’ll still be awake at 4:30am. But it won’t be because you’re coming back from clubbing, it’ll be because that’s when your small human has decided to start the day.
Watch: Horoscopes At The Airport. Story continues after video.
You’ll still pack next to no clothes, but it won’t be because there’s limited room in the backpack, it’ll be because formula and tiny socks are taking up all the space in your suitcase.
Side note: Whether you're navigating sleep routines, 3am wake-ups or you want to know which baby products you actually need, we've designed the Baby Brain mailing list to be your go-to source for everything you need to know. Sign up here.
After nearly a month in the UK (Inverness and London), the Greek Islands and Croatia with my almost one-year-old, here’s what I learned:
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