“You’re doing what? How are you going to not kill each other?”
That was my mum’s response when my sister Bethany and I informed her we were going to travel around the USA together for about a month.
She had justification for that incredulous reply; my little sister and I didn’t exactly have a track record of “getting along”.
As children and teenagers, hardly a week went by that didn’t include a screaming match (or five).
But we were adults now. Both of us had moved out of home by autumn 2014 and our passionate fights over clothes, personal space and irritating habits were distant memories.
Listen: This couple retired in their 30s and travelled with their baby. (Post continues after audio.)
Another thing had changed since we both resided under Mum and Dad’s roof: we’d each moved on to separate universities, homes and lives. Inevitably, it seemed, a distance had grown between us.
Despite our fights, we were close as kids. As adults, we still knew what was going on in each other’s lives and could still could hang out together without any awkwardness, but it was different. Indescribably, yet noticeably different.
I think I was starting to miss my little sister. Maybe that was why, when I had the batshit crazy idea of quitting my job to go travelling, the first thought that popped into my head was, ‘I could start in the US and travel with Beth’.