real life

There are things about your past you don’t want to tell your new partner. What do you do?

Here’s a Group Therapy question from Nadine* a regular MM reader who needs some collective wisdom….

I’m recovering from anorexia and bulimia – and have lost several boyfriends during my ordeal (boyfriends find it really hard to stick around with girls who are hell-bent on destroying themselves and throw up the meal he’s just spent good money on). Now I’m in recovery, the idea of dating is extremely daunting, especially when guys don’t know my history and there’s a huge fill in the blanks (why didn’t you sit year 12 exams?

Why have you deferred uni? What have you been doing this year? Well actually I’ve been in a psychiatric unit being force fed and trying to destroy myself? What about you?) It’s a bit hard to explain – but on the same side – if it’s a relationship, it’s not something you can lie about.

My question for group therapy is around all of the above; how do you manage a relationship honestly when you’ve had a severe eating disorder, while not freaking him out and having EVERYTHING become about food, when you’re still recovering and not fully well?

How do you explain that you were institutionalisted, but you’re not really crazy? How do you explain your history without sending him running? How do you explain that even though you’re doing well, you’re still ‘in treatment’?