
Just try NOT to smile when you see the world's grumpiest cat

Not everything that happens on the internet is done in the name of research or furthering our quest for knowledge and understanding.  Thank goodness for that otherwise we would never have meet Tard – the grumpiest cat ever.

Since her owner, Reddit user Cataliades, first introduced her to us last week,  we have become a little obsessed

Within the first 48 hours of Tard’s image being uploaded, she was upvoted more than 25,300 times on Reddit. Her YouTube videos have had close to a million hits (watch her here).

According to her own Tabatha Bundesen from Arizona Tardar is not really grumpy. “Tardar has what looks kind of like an under bite. She looked unique, as did her brother, at birth, with a flat face, bubble eyes, and a short tail, Tardar is not as coordinated as a normal cat, so she is likely a little angry about that. I think she likes to be held and petted some times, but being the pet of a 10 year old could make anyone grumpy.”
