
'I was fired from my school for correcting a student's spelling mistake.'

A US woman has been fired from her position as a web experience coordinator for her local school district after she drew attention for correcting a student’s spelling and grammar on Twitter.

As part of her role, 33-year-old Katie Nash was tasked with managing the Frederick County Public School district’s social media accounts in Virginia.

When a student tweeted to his school on January 5 asking if school could be cancelled “tammarow”, Katie replied, “But then how would you learn how to spell ‘tomorrow’? :)” from the school’s official account.

Her tweet was retweeted more than 1000 times.

Nash told Frederick News-Post she had been told not to tweet after the attention her tweet garnered, but she continued to tweet calendar updates and other news alerts to the FCPS TWitter feed.


A district spokesman later said Nash was no longer employed with the local school system.

“Students have been tweeting at us, but I wasn’t really sure what I should be doing or not doing. I sort of assumed there would be a follow-up conversation” with district officials, she said.

Katie Nash was fired from her role over the tweet. Image via Facebook.

"I think a conversation about how we engage with students would have been completely appropriate and I would have welcomed that," she said.

Despite the shock, Katie said she had no hard feelings towards her former employer over the incident.

“I don’t want to be a distraction to the school system and the goals they have for overarching achievement,” she said.