Stranger Things is the type of show that doesn’t end with the last episode.
Oh, no. The final episode is really just the beginning.
There are simply so many questions. What/who is the monster? What will be the impact of Will being in the upside down for one week? What is the upside down? Is Eleven dead? What is Hopper’s involvement with the government? Why didn’t anyone care when Barb went missing? Why don’t anyone’s parents ever know where they are?
Luckily, it’s 2016, and there are people who think about these things full time, and then share them with the rest of the Internet. They’re goddamn modern day heroes.
Recently, one theory in particular has captivated fans everywhere. Because it’s pure genius.
Before I share it, I just want to warn you that if you haven’t seen the series in it’s entirety STOP READING HERE. Why would you click on this, you sick, sick person?
GO. Finish the show and THEN we can talk.
Top Comments
Interesting, definitely something to it. I thought Hopper was leaving the food for Eleven in the forest at the very end, but it could be a portal to the Upside Down, assuming that's where she went. Also, poor Barb - it seemed her parents just though 'oh well, she's run away, never mind' and that was the end of it!