Image via Instagram/colorfull_hair_posts
This year has been big for hair colour trends. We’ve all been trying every colour of the rainbow (including grey, people). Just when you thought you couldn’t dream up anything else comes this: half and half hair or “split dye” hair.
Why stick to blonde or brunette when you can have, erm, both, right?
The trend doesn't have to be as bold as the above look and can look quite beautiful when two complementary colours are applied.
While we think it looks fun, we're not going to give up our usual cut and colour to try this. If you're game, though, Remington Schultz, from Edwards and Co in Melbourne, does have a few recommendations.
"It would work well if you had a middle part, with a bob, because the hair is defined, but if you had layers, I could imagine that the colours would merge and it wouldn't look quite right. But it's a cool trend. (Post continues after gallery.)
Half and half hair.
"The cost would depend on what colours you're getting, if you needed toner in it for example, there are lots of factors. But if you were getting a simple dye in it, I would probably charge $130." Remington says.
Split dye hair isn't the only trend taking over your follicles; eyebrows have also fallen victim to the colouring trend.
While for most of us, colouring our eyebrows might involve a darker tint, shades of blue, pink, purple and red are apparently becoming popular. Wow. (Post continues after gallery.)
While you might not be up for trying it, you have to admit that it does look kind of fabulous.
Would you ever try either of these colour trends?