
If you've ever been asked "why aren't you smiling?" this video is for you.


Attention ladies: Have you found yourself failing your traditional role as the ‘fairer sex’ by refusing to smile beautifully at the behest of a complete stranger?

If so, it is time you enrolled at the “Smile Bitch” Training Camp.

The video was created by comedian Janelle James as a commentary on the absurd double-standard placed on women who refuse to maintain a friendly demeanour and easygoing serenity – or to “smile like a lunatic at all times” – when men make unprovoked comments and catcalls on the street.

It is now the 21st Century – not a fictional lobotomised nightmare, so women have earned the right to shoot death stares – or even just an oblivious case of Bitchy Resting Face – at whoever the hell dares them to “smile, bitch” on the way to work.

The alternative is a far more frightening prospect than the occasional bout of stinkeye…

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