I have a friend. Let’s call her Jess since she wouldn’t appreciate being outed on a highly popular women’s website.
We’ve been friends for 20 years and whenever I’ve asked her to commit to something, her response has been ‘Let me just check with Jerry’, (her partner, also not his real name).
Let me just check with Jerry?
It always mystified me that a grown woman in this day and age would need to check with her partner before saying ‘Yes’ to something. But hey, when you’re friends with someone you embrace their perceived quirks.
I’ve never had to check in with anyone!
Yep, I’m my own person and can make my own decisions. And for most of my adult life my decision, whenever asked to do something with, or for, someone, was to say ‘Yes’!
Mainly because it felt so good.
For me, there was nothing better than the jolt of pleasure I got from seeing someone’s face light up with delight when I said ‘Yes’ to them. I was totally addicted to it. Other people are addicted to chocolate but I didn’t have to pay to get my hit! I got it for free!
Top Comments
You and your friend "Jess" are brilliant! I love how these six little words buy you the time to be one step removed from the situation when you deliver the "Yes" or "No" decision and how they lay the foundation for acceptance of that decision for all involved.