A primary school’s decision to scrap its homework policy is a step the right direction, but it doesn’t go far enough.
Allambie Heights Public School in Sydney’s northern suburbs stopped sending students home with daily activities at the beginning of 2017, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.
Kids are instead encouraged (but not required) to submit research-orientated projects every semester or term, depending on their grade.
The projects are an excellent initiative. But if the current parenting zeitgeist is to embrace a child’s individual strengths, then surely their after school activities should foster that uniqueness.
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For my children, I think homework is important (as are extra curricular activities). At what stage do parents want homework introduced? I deem it important because if my child chooses to go to a top tier university and study a difficult degree (law, med, pharmacy, dentistry etc) are they going to be able to cope with the massive workload and extra study required? 85% of students in my degree were of Asian background and were from selective schools and studied like crazy, hours of additional study was the only way to keep up. Of course my children are free to choose whatever career they want, but i don't want to limit them by not preparing them for tertiary education.