
Year 11 school assignment makes wildly sexist demands for female students.

11th grade students at Highland High School in Utah were issued an assignment requiring them to go on a date for $5. (Apparently, it was an assignment approved by the state.)


But it gets better.

Because, like all good assignments, it came with suggestions for the students to maximise their chances of success.

For the girls, these suggestions included:

  • If you don’t want to go out with the guy, tell him. Don’t make up excuses. (Fair)
  • When you’re asked for a suggestion, give one, don’t say “I don’t care”. (We could all get better at this)
  • Help plan the date sometimes. (Women often do, it’s 2017)

The beginnings are rocky, but reasonably contained.

It escalates… drastically.

  • Eat the food you order. Don’t waste his money. (I’ll eat what I want and… Who’s to say it’s his money?)
  • Don’t be overly concerned with how much or little money he is spending. (I’m not sure if you’re aware: Women also earn money in 2017.)
  • Don’t worry about your appearance the whole date. (Ima worry about what I want.)
  • Dress appropriately for the date. (See above.)
  • Be feminine and lady-like, don’t use vulgar language or swear. (F**k that.)
  • Show respect for him. (vis a vis.)
  • Be ready on time.
  • Don’t talk about, flirt, text or check out other guys when a date. (Errrrm, fine. But you better change the next ‘commandment’, otherwise I’ll “check out” whomever I please.)
  • Don’t expect love and commitment when the date is meant to be casual. (See above.)
  • Have a sense of humour, have a good time. (Yeah, because this is such a laugh.)
  • Keep up your end of the conversation. Listen and respond.
  • Don’t correct or comment on his personal habits. (Please, read back on all of these comments on my personal habits and then come at me.)
  • Give compliments when they are sincere. (Mmm, sure.)
  • Give him a chance to be gentlemanly, wait for him to open the door. (Why can’t I be “gentlemanly”?)
  • Keep to your standards. (Sorry… what?)
  • Don’t criticise his driving, unless it’s not safe. (I’ll drive myself, thank you very much.)
  • Relax and be yourself. (Oh, why thank you for permission.)

We know all this, because one teacher Jenn Oxborrow posted a photo of the assignment to social media with the caption:

“My 11th grade AP honours student’s homework: “go on a date!” … Thanks for educating our kids, Utah Department of Education. We really appreciate your evidence-based misogyny.”

Exactly. Education… Where?