“Go drown yourself. Then your kid might stand a chance.” Um, excuse me? Who writes this stuff? Grumpy old men, that’s who.
This is just one of the messages I’ve received this week after an error-riddled story surfaced in The Australian, reporting that I took my daughter on a work trip last year.
Of course the conservative old blokes were grumpier than usual after the newspaper dressed the two days full of meetings and consultations over the proposed oil drilling in the Great Australian Bight as a “whale watching tour”.
Wrong. There was no “tour”, no “cruise” or any “boats” at all. But hey, why let facts get in the way of good story. Never mind that I was in my electorate hearing the concerns of the community.
I met with indigenous groups, tourism and fisheries operators and the local Council. Ramping up the community’s campaign to save the Bight from oil drilling, I went to see for myself what impact an oil spill, like what has sadly occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, would have on the local environment and the sensitive whale sanctuary.
I was there to do my job, a politician listening to the concerns of the community.
And I also happened to take my daughter, who was nine at the time and needed to be with her mother.
This week, the grumps were in overdrive. I’ve had online trolls demand I ‘get back in the kitchen’, wish for my violent death, call me a moll, a slut and a fat pig.
And it’s not just online cowards, we also had to call the Australian Federal Police to the office after threats were made to my staff from callers who have a problem with me as a working mother.
I’ve had media commentators accuse me of being a bad parent for taking my child to work when she needed her mum, or playing the ‘single mother card’. But as any single mother knows, there is no ‘card’ to play. It is a harsh reality for working women everywhere that at some time in your career those roles are going to intertwine.
Top Comments
I have no issue with you being a working mother, but I do recall you with a banner years ago that read ‘Get your rosaries off my ovaries’. As a Catholic I find that highly offensive. You want people to respect you as a mother but you advocate for mothers to kill their babies in the womb. That’s hypocritical which is what David accused you of with your implied comments about men. You need to clear up these claims.
Seriously it is a bit rich for you to fundraise for your legal costs on your wage. Support yourself, like everyone does.
You seem to come across as a man hater. You need to fix this image coz there’s lots of men in Australia!
Quote from the Weekend Australian:
'Sarah Hanson-Young took two scenic flights over the Great Australian Bight and billed taxpayers for the fares of three Greens staff members and her daughter, according to new documents released by her.' And. 'However, as the week progressed she said the trip included assessing potential oil slick damage, meeting local leaders and councillors, as well as watching whales at the eastern end of the Great Australian Bight.' I think paying for experts/scientists to accompany her on a flight (take photos, video footage, notes for sharing relevant information with other staff) would be more appropriate and would accomplish more. It does seem like a waste of taxpayers dollars to me. There are examples of people who take their children to work but this doesn't seem to justify the taxpayer funded flights to me. I would like to see all our politicians using our country's money a bit more wisely and for Australia's actual benefit. I'm sick of the flimsy excuses for why politicians have to spend more money than what seems strictly necessary on trips, airfares etc. while cutting our healthcare, education, skimping on infrastructure, eliminating jobs, employment opportunities, selling off our assets and scapegoating on the vulnerable members of society.