The computer hacker who admitted to accessing Scarlett Johansson’s email account and leaking nude photos of her online could potentially face up to 60 years in prison, as well as a $2.2million fine.
From the Daily Mail:
Jobless Christopher Chaney, 35, also pleaded guilty yesterday to nine other counts – including the hacking into the email accounts of singer Christina Aguilera and actress Mila Kunis.
Chaney, of Jacksonville, Florida, was arrested in October as part of a year-long investigation of celebrity hacking that authorities dubbed ‘Operation Hackerazzi’.
Prosecutors said he illegally accessed the email accounts of more than 50 people in the entertainment industry between November 2010 and October 2011.
Top Comments
This is outrageous!
Where is the JUSTICE in our world today?
I mean, she practically takes it all off in movies anyway - so why the big fuss? Pathetic!
A child abuser or muerderer or rapist will get a slap on the wrist in comparison to that.
Invasion of privacy is what it is. It's NOT murder people!!!!!
just shows what a mafia the gov't / justice system is. Murderers, pedophiles and rapists get less. And the biggest mass murderers and warmongers are living in freedom and enjoying their wealth.
It's a no-brainer really.
This sentence is clearly an order from the elite billionaires to their puppets in politics: To scare hackers accessing evidence of all the terrible crimes the billionaires are committing...