
One of these prom outfits is hiding a detail that has us both impressed and appalled.

If Twitter was voting for world leaders, today’s leader of Britain wouldn’t be Theresa May, Brexit would be sitting on the back burner and the economy second to hip flasks.

Instead, going by Twitter, the leader of Britain would be student Eleanor Clarke, under-qualified for politics but well-versed in how to sneak alcohol into a school engagement. Because, you know, priorities, innovation, initiative, etc.

Eleanor Clarke, you see, managed to to use a hip flask instead of clutch and took it to prom.

Posting on Twitter, Clarke wrote: “Still don’t know how I got away with a huge hip flask as my prom clutch”; a tweet which has since been re-tweeted nearly 60,000 times.

In hindsight, it’s quite a legitimate statement considering few fashionable clutches are that round, of that texture and have a lid brandished on top.

Alas, Twitter users are having a field day, with Clarke being dubbed “the greatest person in the world”, a “living legend” and a “true intellectual”.

A few more are pushing for her to enter politics. But given she took a flask the size of a small animal to prom and didn’t get brutally sick is a huge relief. Ask any parent of teens, and they’ll tell you binge drinking is no laughing matter.

Meanwhile, another Twitter user has re-directed our focus to one of Clarke’s friends, who had a clutch that looks suspiciously like a furry kind of animal, and may be the real winner after all.