User Comments

rush July 25, 2024

Good for Vivian, call that POS out. If he's going to talk about her publicly, she has every right to reply publicly. (Also, interesting to read this article alongside the other one posted here about Millennials cutting off their parents and the parents "not understanding" why.)

rush July 25, 2024

I for one can't wait to learn more about the fascinating rich young people with such interesting and diverse sounding jobs. I'm sure this will give us all deep insights into the trials and tribulations of their lives, and not be just a bunch of privileged people swanning around from party to party, going on holidays to escape from their "stressful" lives, having fake overblown romances, followed by fake, overblown fights. 

rush July 24, 2024

@snorks I'm not sure the Dems are too picky right now, if people are only voting her her because she's a black woman, then that's fine - whatever gets you over the line. People will not vote for her for less - apparently having a loud laugh is a reason for her not to be President, so if she gets votes just for being black or a woman, I'm ok with that! 

rush July 24, 2024

David Eigenberg, not Eisenberg. 

rush July 24, 2024

@vmvand right? It feels like the energy has shifted, at least in the online circles I travel in. Optimism is back!

rush July 24, 2024

I love that this is getting interest from the younger folks - I just hope they follow through and vote, not just send cool memes. 

rush July 23, 2024

That video was... was it supposed to be a parody or something? Because I think I missed the point. It just feels very male gaze-y, with the close up shot of her squishing her boobs together, and her walking around in a very small bikini. I don't understand it at all. The "workers" outfits look like tacky "sexy builder" Halloween costumes. Bit of a miss, I think.

rush July 23, 2024

@snorks I think "best person for the job" is almost... moot, kinda? She's already VP, she's not completely unqualified by any stretch. If there was more time, maybe she wouldn't be the nominee, but I think people realise that they have to work with what they've got, and that they can't hold out for the 100% perfect candidate. Maybe she's 75% of what they want, but as you say, the right running mate will help. She's already raised a ton of money, I hope they can keep this momentum up. 

rush July 22, 2024

@snorks if the last few weeks (or the last eight years, really) have taught us anything, it's that anything can happen! Harris has a huge fight ahead of her, and I won't be surprised if Trump wins again - but I still feel like there's a tiny possibility that she'll do it. 

rush July 22, 2024

@darcy m Lab Muffin Beauty Science has a video from a couple of months ago, titled "Debunking the worst sunscreen misinformation on Tik Tok", where she talks about this. It's really worth a watch, she's a cosmetic chemist and she explains it all in really simple terms. 

rush July 22, 2024

@mamamia-user-893622181 she's a beauty vlogger, it's her job, so she can probably take as much time as she wants - she's getting paid for it! Not necessarily practical for the rest of us, of course. 

rush July 22, 2024

@jesskatejohnson I don't think there is a current situation. Accusations were made, there's not enough evidence for him to be charged... that's kind of it. He was shunned for a while, went off and kept his head down, and is now trying for a comeback. He's gross, but I won't be surprised if it works. Abusive men don't seem to stay gone very long in Hollywood.

rush July 22, 2024

I realised not long ago that I've never lived on my own. I lived with my family, then housemates, then my husband. And I'll admit, I'm a little bit envious! I get the odd taste of it when husband is away from time to time, and I thoroughly enjoy it. The house is clean, I can eat whatever I want, and I sleep like a baby. (Although I will admit to being a tiny bit anxious about being in the house by myself at night.) Of course it would be a different thing to live like that all the time, but there are definitely upsides to it! 

rush July 22, 2024

I don't know what you do about people who just... don't believe science. All these chemists and actual experts are going blue in the face trying to combat the misinformation out there, but as the old saying goes, a lie can travel halfway round the world before the truth can even get it's shoes on. Michelle Wong (Lab Muffin Beauty Science on Insta/YT) has a ton of videos about sunscreen safety, go watch her and share far and wide! 

rush July 21, 2024

@snorks has he named anyone else he's supporting? If he hasn't, he might be trying to stay neutral until someone is chosen. I can't imagine him not endorsing whoever the nominee is. 

rush July 21, 2024

@emm01 I use the box my phone came in for odds and ends in smaller drawers, and the plastic container from the fancy packet of Ferrero Rocher! πŸ˜„

rush July 21, 2024

Democrats β€” it’s time to come together and beat Trump.
That's the key part here. They need to pick a candidate, and work like hell to get them elected. I think there might be a tiny glimmer of hope here - all the people who don't like Trump but also thought Biden was too old, suddenly have an alternative. And potentially the first female president and a woman of colour to boot? I can see this really energising the democrats here. Things are getting interesting!

rush July 20, 2024

Looking back, Megan said that there were some red flags β€” like the fact he'd been married four times before and the speed of the relationship β€” but she believed at 63, he was ready to grow up and settle down. 

Some pretty BIG red flags right there! We have all been blinded by love, but it's extremely unlikely that a man of that age will change his ways. Maybe if he'd done a lot of self-examination and therapy to try and work out what his issues were, I'd think about giving him a chance, but I doubt that sort of change would happen spontaneously. 

rush July 20, 2024

Ok, I am also an organisation lover, and all these things look so beautiful and tidy. But I want to point out that you can be organised and tidy without them, too. Do a declutter of your house, and you'll probably find plenty of things you can use for storage - all those boxes that are "too good to throw way", for example! Those perfectly coordinated pantries with the matching containers look amazing, but you can be just as organised with mis-matched containers too. If you can afford all this stuff, then go for it, but I would hate for anyone to feel like that is the level you have to go to to have an organised home. 

rush July 18, 2024

Oh no. Please don't drag the under-age child into this, they're opening her up to all kinds of abuse. After making such a big deal about keeping Baron out of the spotlight while he was under-age, why push her forward? Not good.