User Comments

galica July 22, 2024

It would be wildly funny if they weren't making laws about birth control.

galica July 19, 2024

If a single woman sleeps with a man who is in another relationship, it is on him. She is not cheating anyone.  He is. She is not the gatekeeper of his marriage, he is. Anyone who thinks differently has internalised misogyny and probably deserves the world of pain they will live in when he does it again. (and, no this is not special pleading. I speak from observation not experience.)

galica June 16, 2024

It's really simple. If the photography was a gift then the photographer was a guest. And should have been treated as such. A guest with a role, sure, but as much a guest as the bridesmaids.  If she was not a guest then she didn't owe her stepsister a gift and she should have been paid.

I think she should retain the photos until the bill is paid. Like she would for any other bride. You may think that is petty, but so is refusing to feed your step sibling at your wedding.

galica June 3, 2024

The police have been created to protect the property of men from other men.  They should not be involved in any matters of family violence.

galica May 29, 2024

I'm trying to give a rats about this toxic real-life telenovella but really just can't.

galica May 24, 2024

We will never see change while the police take the view, as stated by a policeman involved in the last but one murder (cause we've already had one more in the same week) that "the perpetrator had no record - apart from a minor DV incident'. What change do I want to see? 1. there are NO minor DV incidents.

galica May 23, 2024

So long as the policeman investigating regards the history of DV as 'nothing significant' there will be no change.

galica February 27, 2024

Came in prepared to hate this cause I'd be judged, but had to laugh - 4 pillow user here.

galica February 22, 2024

I've been using Hamilton everyday face for about 30 years now and I swear by it. I'm never without a tube.  When I compare my forearms (was never as diligent) with my face and chest, the benefits are very marked indeed (rather like my forearms, sadly). Big thumbs up.

galica January 30, 2024

The stupidity of the 'apology' compounds the act itself.

galica December 7, 2023

Isn't Tappscott lucky that she could step away from her career to look after her young children, but still be able to command column space in a national publication?  Not many women can pull off that trick.  Most women who choose to stay at home find themselves corporate mummy-tracked, with crippled careers and superannuation.

But what is she doing back at work now? Doesn't she understand that older children have emotional needs too? What are her teenage children doing while she types away at her column? Or, horrors, unsupervised PRE-teens!

Isn't it also lucky that children can turn to more than one adult for emotional (and physical) support?

galica December 5, 2023

MCoBeauty cheek/lip stain. I'm always looking for a stain-based colour for similar reasons and I've found this to be good.

galica October 1, 2023

Yes, right next to the workers producing the the 'vrai' product in identical conditions.

galica April 28, 2023

That's grand. And what compromises is he making?

galica April 5, 2023

This should surprise nobody. The demographic that supplies the majority of police, the one providing the majority of domestic abusers - put it this way, the venn diagram would look like a single circle.