User Comments

alisonpdevitt February 20, 2024

Thank you for these awesome ideas Leigh, I really need to get my wardrobe and chest of draws sorted!

alisonpdevitt October 10, 2023

I couldn’t agree more, we talk about size inclusivity everywhere, yet our retailers haven’t caught up, it can be soul destroying. I hate shopping online as if the item doesn’t fit I’m pretty lazy and won’t return it! I know, I know that’s pretty stupid but it is what it is!

alisonpdevitt April 18, 2023

I think this is such an important topic to acknowledge and discuss, just like we are starting to discuss how peri-menopause creeps up on us. As a woman who has longed for children who couldn’t have them, I often feel there is no place for me and others similar to me to be able to to express that dual feeling of that I am super happy for you but at the same time I am very envious and that I don’t want to see your post, I don’t wish that you were not pregnant, but it feels to me that I cannot express my sadness that I cannot experience the same joy you are experiencing. My next comment will probably be extremely unpopular, but I also feel a similar mixed feelings every February when I see all the first day of school pictures, yes your children look adorable, but I do feel a physical pain that I can’t post similar pictures, we couldn’t have children and have cats, three who we treat as substitute children which some people will never understand and think we are weird. We often joke, should we dress the cats in their school uniforms for the first day of school, basically no one would care or give a crap and tell us it is no way the same thing and your right, but we cope the best way we can. I am happy for you, but It does feel like I shouldn’t and wouldn’t say anything to dampen your joy and that I don’t want to see your post, just like you don't want to her about my infertility struggles and my cats.