User Comments

kb123 June 2, 2023

I think this whole thing is an absolute disgrace! Yes he did something wrong and needs to be held accountable. But not on an international public stage where he is scapegoated and hung out for the wolves. I am genuinely worried for his well being and safety with this level of public linching. There was clearly a massive cover up going on with many people needing to be held publicly accountable if this is how we are dealing with those who do wrong. I am not saying what Phillip did was ok or not worth consequences. But this level of public cancellation is disgraceful and dangerous. Have we learned nothing over the years?? 

kb123 May 30, 2023

Eamon homes is definitely more than some little jolly Irish man! He’s been bit if a controversial character for years and loves to get himself involved in things that aren’t anything to do with him. He is known for often making inflammatory statements and having his way or the high way opinions in things 

kb123 March 23, 2023

Great article. It’s such a disgrace to have this filmed and profited off. Likely with money but even if not, the filmed gained attention and recognition off someone else’s pain and embarrassment. Not enough articles and coverage showing this level of compassion. Thank you 

kb123 January 7, 2023

Is it just me or is this article really weird and mean? I’m left feeling really uncomfortable and protective of this friend. Particularly when the reason they apparently became friends was because this girl befriended her when she was being bullied. And yet from this article, it sounds like she ended up being a bully to this friend? 

Also, I don’t understand the point of this story? I don’t understand the learning, the nuance, nothing really? Why is this a subscriber article? 

kb123 January 4, 2023

@mb1111 I thought the exact same and was literally going down to the comments to say the exact same thing!!! He infuriates me! Learn some accountability and perspective on the world, honestly!! 

kb123 November 28, 2022

I do really struggle with seemingly having to put a label onto absolutely everything. I get what she is trying to communicate in places but I’m not sold on this concept (or maybe her version of it?) at all 

barclay8536 January 20, 2022

@jessclayden  that’s because you say January 2021. I was in wa twice in March and June 2021. But when I had arrangements to move in august, that is when the borders with vic locked. Despite proving I had a job in wa, had sold my house, was fully vaxed and paid for 2 weeks quarantine in advance 

barclay8536 January 20, 2022

 I held off going home to visit Uk when the borders opened in November for Vic as I was so focused on getting to WA and didn’t want to jeprodise my chance. But in these recent weeks in January, I’ve just given up the hope. I’ve had enough. I’m done hoping and trusting the government. I’ve now quit my WA job and will move home to the UK for a few months. I have no idea how this will further impact my chance to get into WA but at this Point I don’t even care. The original plan had been my parents would come to WA in March but I knew this month that was never going to happen. And I’ve already been separated from them for years due to covid. 

I lived in Melbourne throughout the whole covid period and lockdowns. But by FAR this situation with WA and their lack of planning and last minute changes (and their lack of care or respect for those these decisions impact) has been significantly more distressing than anything I’ve experienced over the past 2 years. 

barclay8536 January 20, 2022

Thank you for this. The decisions from Western Australia is completely outrageous. I’m a British person living in Victoria who planned to relocate to WA in august 2021. And I’m still waiting. My life has been in complete limbo since that time and everyday I feel I have no control over my own life and choices. I’ve been working remotely for a WA company since September as we hoped the border lock wouldn’t be too much longer for committed people relocating and could evidence their seriousness (quiting Victorian job and working for WA, selling our home and lodging with a friend…) but no.