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babble July 25, 2024

She gives me Jacinda Adern cuddle everyone vibes 

babble July 24, 2024

I am still wondering why Obama has not endorsed her. 

babble July 24, 2024

There is a place for academic measurement and ATARs grades etc. this is to measure academic success and is good for kids on that path in life. What has been detrimental overall is the uni or nothing approach in Australia. My nephew in a European country had a choice in year 8. It was to stream into trade schools or academic school (uni pathway). He chose trade school. We used to do this. There is nothing wrong with a trade as a career and in most cases is better than a random arts degree. 

babble July 24, 2024

I would not wear anything to a wedding that could possibly detract attention from the bride. However that’s me and I don’t have main character syndrome. 

babble July 18, 2024

Do yourself a favour and delete Tik tok. Trad wife is cosplay performance art. How do they even know that 1959s wives made butter? It reminds me of the paleo diet 

babble July 17, 2024

I assure that I will never dress in a way inspired by Censori. Sheer tops have been around for ages and are not based on Censori.

babble July 17, 2024

I would not refer to my tits in a work video. Then again I’m from a different generation and was never a cool girl. 

babble July 9, 2024

Thank you for a great article. I enjoy reading a different perspective. 

babble July 9, 2024

I think it’s a summer thing.  I visited France and Italy in December and there were no crowds or queues. It was great and people were very nice to my family. I can understand how they feel in the season because it is their home. The answer is partly a restriction in letting homes for short terms of less than 30 days in key tourist areas. A city becomes a theme park  or caricature of itself if no locals actually live there - Venice felt like this to me. 

babble July 8, 2024

I wouldn’t lend out my house to people I don’t know. I actually wouldn’t lend it to some people I do know. 

babble July 5, 2024

I always choose aisle seat and will pay for one. I go to the toilet a lot. Also I like one side of me not touching anyone. 

babble July 4, 2024

I have travelled with twins at 6mths, 9mths, 12mths and 3+ years. Anything before 4 years is a nightmare. I still have flashbacks of a long haul flight where I could not sit down for 10 hours because the baby would start screaming. Nothing you could have done would have made it better. However 4+ olds are fun to travel with. I have found that people in Europe and Asia love little kids. My only tip would be to train your kid to eat off an adult menu early in life. There is nothing like impressing Parisians with your kids not eating nuggets. 

babble July 4, 2024

I don’t know much about him or her exes. However I do like the fact that he has no fear showing his feelings for her. 

babble July 3, 2024

Her outfit is tame compared to Kanye and Bianca. I think she looked beautiful. There was a lot of cleavage on show, but it’s her wedding and the photos looked like it was a very happy day. 

babble July 2, 2024

I don’t think that this is a misogyny issue. I think it’s more to do with her being his closest family member. Anyone who has watched him recently would have to question why he is continuing in this race. How will another 4 years benefit the US people? 

babble July 2, 2024

It would be polite for people to assume shoes off and wear decent socks. I loathe shoes in my home.

babble July 1, 2024

The women all look a similar age (they look great). However I do think when you have them younger like on your 20s they age you by a considerable amount. I’m not sure why but they seem to drain the face of the natural youth glow. 

babble June 23, 2024

I can’t fathom moving overseas and not doing due diligence on things you should do on arrival  Then deciding to have a baby. 

babble June 22, 2024

Your labia is not the problem it’s whoever is making you think that there is a perfect labia to aspire to. 

babble June 18, 2024

They were from the 80s for me. I like them but won’t wear it this time round. I’ll leave that to my daughter.