User Comments

frap June 18, 2021

This article certainly feels biased.

Without mentioning then directly, this article, as well as Cat's comments, refer to the EVALI deaths of 2019. They refer to them as 'vaping' deaths without any context or clarification. These deaths were all linked to THC liquid in the USA, and vitamin E acetate specifically. You won't find these products at any of the reputable vape shops in Australia.

And speaking of vape shops, all the author would have had to do is visit one to witness all the grown adults - not teenagers - purchasing these products. Had she bothered to speak to any customers, she would have heard numerous stories of the way vaping helped them kick cigarettes. But it seems she was preoccupied speaking only to those who supported this hit piece. Most people I know aren't vaping JUULs...I certainly never have, and never would.

Everytime I read an article like this I feel a sense of discompassion and elitism. Vapers read this kind of rhetoric with dismay, knowing it's exactly this kind of fear language that's going to end them up back on cigarettes when the hammer comes down. Vapes don't have to be bad, but there are bad actors. Sadly in Australia, the land of the nanny state, we're always so quick to let the few bad actors give the government an excuse to clamp down in the name of safety. So fed up with it!

Seriously, the above is dinner party appropriate given the topic. Moderate it if you want, but don't censor information. I make valid points.