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sophie p November 10, 2023

Not rude to ask just like it's not rude to (calmly) refuse. Like with all things it matters how you go about it. 

What can make it easier on those who are shoes on entering shoes off is those slippers some Asian households have too. 

And it's good to have options for refusal and accepting both. 

Edit: Fixing sentence.

sophie p August 26, 2023

@azzuri Thank you, Azzuri. 

I'm not even either but on behalf of my friends who are, it's very sad.
People can find what they do or did easier for them but to say it is easy for others is not something they can judge without literally being in their shoes - and their body/brain as well as family.

sophie p August 26, 2023

@laura__palmer Both options have privileges in their own way. But to say you find it easy? That's okay. Some people find some things easier to do. That happens. To say others find it easy without knowing them, their life, their body, their brain, their kids, ther chores, their family? This is not okay.

I know a SAHM with 5 kids. She's a close friend. Is it easier for her now a bit? Sure. Since most of her kids are older now. Especially some days. But one of her kids has pretty severe autism. She also raises chickens (for eggs) and has some other pets. She regularly has days that overwhelm. Her husband is great help still and they even make sure to do Date Night every week (even if it's just inside watching a movie). 

A routine makes everything easier, for most, I do agree. But that doesn't mean it 
A. Works for everyone all the time. 
And B. Won't need to be thrown out some days as things do and will come up, even for non SAHPs or SAHS (Spouses instead of parents) and others.

sophie p August 26, 2023

@howtoexplain very well said. Love it.

sophie p November 5, 2021

2. My dad was sick of me using his Nokia to play Bounce and look up horoscopes on PocketNews!

They went for prepaid so I wouldn't use up all their money. I think it was either $10, $20 or $30 a month on Telstra. My next phone was a purple Nokia slid phone, different from the brick one. Then a flip phone then a LG smartphone. It took a while for smartphones to be a thing, I think I was about 14. All in all I love the way my parents went about it, they were able to know best what I could handle and what I needed. :) It was very similar to the ones in the article. (2/2)

sophie p November 5, 2021

I got a phone when I was starting high school. It was an old Nokia phone off eBay that my dad got me, prepaid plan. I absolutely loved it. This was about..2009-2010. Few reasons why my parents got me this; 1. I was starting HS and although it was on the same campus, they felt they needed a way to contact me especially as sometimes picks ups for bus for after school activities had gone wrong once or twice. It also helped that for year 7 at least (before I moved schools for year 8) that phones had to be turned off in bag or turned into the office. Not even allowed during break (Private School). (1/2)

sophie p September 22, 2021

I feel this way when it comes to dating and they ask how it's going; (do i have a partner/gf/bf yet? No? Why not???) and then jump into "Oh when you meet the right person, you'll change your mind," which can be said for many things including having children.

I'm young but I know for a fact that it's not in my cards. It may change but it hasn't for a while now.

I wish I could have it left at no myself too. (I also don't want children but because I don't feel like I could look after one well/give it the best life.)

sophie p September 20, 2021

To anyone dealing with the same, I encourage people to eventually deal with your issues. Be it therapy, hobbies or friendships. 

Getting into bad habits is something I still have to fight to be free of and it will last a long time.

sophie p September 20, 2021

(2/2)But I suspect I'll always carry what happened with me in some way. Being a Motherless daughter who's mother died before 18 (or at it) hits different If you saw death, even more so. The amount of things you miss out on that everyone takes for granted are infinite.

As for me, for many reasons I don't plan on marriage or kids. My health & grief is too great (mental & physical health not good) & would be made worse if I did. As well as negatively affect those potential people. 

sophie September 20, 2021

I lost my mother at 16. Well, I was turning 17 that year but it was age 16. I saw it happen and I was close to her.
I have mild ptsd from seeing a heart attack offset from possible pneumonia. It was not pretty and we were close, I lived with just her full time.
It's been 7 years, I often have to bottle my grief myself because it hits too deep, especially with the ptsd. I get better in some ways, some days and when I can actually see my therapist it helps.
But I suspect I'll always carry what happened with me in (1/2)