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nickyl July 20, 2023

@PurpleWitch they’re acting like the book is being shipped to every household and someone will be knocking on every door to make sure all kids have read it…or else!!!

nickyl July 19, 2023

More outrage from people who have neither  been forced to do something, nor will not owning this book change change their lives BUT feel the need to make a huge noise about it. I’ll bet 95% of them haven’t even opened this book but have done their research by reading other uninformed people’s reviews 

nickyl March 29, 2023

@slkodi woollies now sell it for $4.50 so the resell has gone down 😜

nickyl March 29, 2023

My kids, who have just turned 10, have been drinking Prime. It’s HORRIBLE and tastes like medicine! The Only nervy version isn’t sold in Australia because of the caffeine content, so why is it being referenced here? Kids aren’t going to buy it online. Most have watched enough YouTube videos to know they can only drink the Hydration version. Their school has banned it as of this week but most of the bottle’s being brought to school are filled with water and they’re bringing them to “flex” on other kids!!! 

nickyl January 26, 2023

My twins are March babies. I sent them to school when they were four turning 5 assuming they’d move school the following year and they’d repeat kindy. I couldn’t get them in and now they’re going into year 5. I’m still adamant about them repeating so they’ll do it before high school. I’ve explained why this is going to happen and that it’s not a punishment. It’ll be the best thing for them in the grand scheme of their lives.