User Comments

rosiecat July 11, 2024

@krock I am quite well off too but can’t relate at all. 

rosiecat July 11, 2024

“She's also a single mother struggling to make ends meet. … Whenever I talk about my investments in shares and property, she seems lost and quickly changes the subject. It's clear she doesn’t understand, nor does she want to.” And you really think your friend is changing the subject when you boast about your wealth and financial security in front of her because she doesn’t understand? I think she understands you well. 

rosiecat June 24, 2024

Wow. My sister is gender nonbinary and also identifies as trans. She has two beautiful kids as do I. Neither she or I are raising our kids as gender nonbinary. I support my sister totally and am loud in doing so. But I could not support any request that I raise my kids in a gender neutral way from anyone - that’s a very personal decision and it’s far from abuse to use assigned genders unless and until your kid expresses any preference for that to change.  

rosiecat June 20, 2024

How is this a thing? Why would anyone enjoy being strangled? Why would anyone want to do that to someone they are having sex with? Is it really even close to being mainstream?

rosiecat June 18, 2024

@Dkaye23 fair point. Will be interesting to see how they handle her strong desire for a baby in a same sex context - not very easy to resolve back then!

rosiecat June 16, 2024

I’m looking forward to Francesca’s story. Loved that they made Michael Stirling into Michaela - will be more interesting,

rosiecat June 14, 2024

It still seemed to show her orgasming from penetrative sex while losing her virginity which I think we can all agree wasn’t exactly realistic!

rosiecat May 10, 2024

Strongly recommend Kerry Greenwood’s Phryne Fisher (1920s Melbourne with the best lady private detective) or Corrina Chapman series (contemporary Melbourne with a baker and hot private detective boyfriend). 

rosiecat May 7, 2024

@chrissyinthemiddle agree. Sometimes you dig a hole so deep you can’t expect those you slung the the mud at while digging to pull you back out. 

rosiecat April 26, 2024

James Frazer from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. The books are even better than the show and are still my comfort read!

rosiecat April 24, 2024

Ha! Love it! Went to my friends 50th recently. She looked fab! She also spent months beforehand dieting and exercising obsessively. I guess we all need to prove something to ourselves and the world sometime. 

rosiecat April 23, 2024

Good to read this. Honestly the expectations everyone places around birth is so hard. Giving birth is pretty horrific for most women. I know when my daughter was born and placed on my chest my first words to her were ‘I’m going to throw up’. 

rosiecat April 18, 2024

I’m so sorry you are on that situation. I hope your husband can be brought to change or you make the decision to leave. For the record, my husband has been an at home parent for 18 years while I am the income earner.  All money goes into a joint account and I have never set a budget for his spending or family expenses- we just discuss before blowing more than $500. 

rosiecat April 8, 2024

As the proud mother of a 14 year old who attends a nsw public school and suffers peer pressure which results in her rolling her skirt and sports shorts to a micro mini - I support minimum skirt and short length rules for all students, regardless of gender. It’s not great to see kids sexualised in a school environment in this way. 

rosiecat April 3, 2024

I think you missed it costs a bomb and people will constantly make you feel guilty for using medication which some diabetics need more (even though it might prevent you also having diabetes in the future)

rosiecat March 19, 2024

So this article persuaded me to give it a go and I’m so impressed. They are dead quick and easy and work well. I’m at day 5 now and they still look perfect

rosiecat March 12, 2024

That is so hard. I am gobsmacked you stayed. 

rosiecat March 8, 2024

You must live in a very cold part of the country! I would expire of heat stroke in Sydney if I tried to wear fleece lined leggings or a long wool coat in autumn!

rosiecat February 24, 2024

One of the hardest things in life is learning not to worry about things you can’t control or change and cultivating acceptance. This includes in relation to what your neighbours do on their land. Yes there are nuisance laws etc but, speaking as a lawyer who has had to advise on these issues, never try and sue your neighbour- you all end up angrier and poorer. Move on and find a new focus in life. 

rosiecat February 17, 2024

I adore her honey chicken and her queso sauce! Am making her prawn taco recipe tonight actually!