User Comments

random 4126 June 24, 2024

Says the daughter of the owner: "But the facts are, they actually don’t come here for the money. They come here for something that’s actually bigger than that to them. They have a passion for dance." Righto. Said like only a rich person can say. 

random 4126 June 5, 2024

If you listen to the interview the feeling is nothing like reading the transcript of the interview. Two different things. He's funny. He's just being funny. Admitting he never became a man with his wry smile; acknowledging the toxicity. 

random 4126 April 22, 2024

There's no nuance. She took a noisey thing to a place where quiet is needed. It's not about breastfeeding or babies. It was distracting his performance. He's there to put on a show. Come on. 

random 4126 February 23, 2024

Good grief just move! 

random 4126 December 10, 2023


random 4126 December 2, 2023

Sadly there’s not much help out there for a parent of a troubled teen. The police, nsw health and schools can do nothing to help. I can see why parents might turn to this. I wish there was something in between. I’ve seen a friend loose her son at 14 who was off the rails and she had nowhere to turn. A good woman and a good boy with problems. 

random 4126 November 30, 2023

Great article. I’m looking forward to this now 

random 4126 October 14, 2023

A wise plan. 

random 4126 September 20, 2023

So … you’ve decided he’s guilty? 

random 4126 April 19, 2023

Mean spirited

random 4126 April 4, 2023

This article could use more photos 

random 4126 March 31, 2023

The plain bright green dress is obvious winner for me. But I’d wear a pant suit. Cigarette pants and blazer. 

random 4126 March 20, 2023

I just bought a vape from a store called Vape and it has no nicotine in it, but I can order the nicotine liquid from NZ which I will do because the no nicotine one doesn’t work for me. The guy in store was telling me the junk illegal vapes you buy from goodness knows where (I’ve caught my 15 year old with one or two) is the equivalent of 20 packers of cigarettes!!!! The stuff I’ll be getting from nz is way way way less. 

random 4126 January 21, 2023

When my kids were young they were too long. But now they’re in high school and get the bus to go out and socialise and not rely on me so much, I feel they’re perfect length!! No hassling teenagers “have you done your homework” for 6 whole weeks! Heaven. 

random 4126 January 5, 2023

So true. I’ve stopped clicking on news articles now about royals. I could tell this article was written by a normal person. I saw an article today William and Kate told me to dress as nazi. When in truth it was simply a story if they laughed at his costume and agreed he should wear it. I’m sick of it all. I love Harry and watching the media try to twist everything over and over and over just proves his point. 

random 4126 November 28, 2022

Rough price guide would have been helpful 

random 4126 November 19, 2022

We all got double vaxxed (family of 5) and covid didn’t stop. We all got covid anyway. I’m not getting any more vaccinations now. I don’t mean to be selfish. I just don’t think it worked well enough for the potential vax risks. 

random 4126 November 18, 2022

The trend is driven by the people. If they didn’t like it they wouldn’t follow. 

random 4126 November 12, 2022

I enjoyed this article. Well written and I agree with your view. 

random 4126 July 30, 2022
