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suz m July 23, 2024

A thoughtful, intelligent, successful lawyer, come district attorney, come attorney general, come Senator, come VP….and she can string a sentence together!! What the 🌍 has been waiting for!! 

suz m July 17, 2024

I’m reminded of an occurrence when my dear dad was in a psychiatric hospital and told his nurse he didn’t think his family loved him anymore. This amazing nurse grabbed my mum and I at that nights visit and sat with us and dad, relaying his worry. The nurse looked dad squarely in the face and said ‘they love you as they are here, I know cause they don’t show up when they don’t - I’ve seen it’. As dark a space as we were in as a family, that comment made me so so sorry for dad’s fellow patients whose loved ones stopped showing up. 

suz m July 6, 2024

Omg weddings - so many rules!!! My 63 year old brother has just invited me to his 2nd wedding…can I have a minus one please!!! 

suz m July 2, 2024

No no no! I’ve just seen the play ‘Julia’ about our mighty PM - and will call bullshit on these criticisms of politicians and their spouses. They have signed up for toughest most scrutinised gig. Guess what, President Biden and his wife said ‘we are up for it’ and have applied for toughest job - no low ball criticism unless you are also willing to take on said job! 

suz m June 22, 2024

Names to bring back into vogue…


suz m June 17, 2024

Wise words..I’ve given 3 eulogies and written a 4th…the problem in families you do it once well, you get tapped to do it again…my parents it was easy…I knew what I wanted to share and for my dad, as long as my mum approved what I wrote (only person I consulted) she was 100% ok…the hardest to write and edit was my uncles as it needed to be in my aunts voice, be so a 3rd person could speak it, and an elderly audience who knew the last 2-3 decades of his life. I aimed to included as many references to those who would be at the service or watching or zoom (or their children/grandchildren) -

and made sure to explain and give context to each person mentioned so his elderly neighbors and friends could follow…I wanted it to be more than a resume of milestones and found in the rewriting and editing the natural theme to honour my uncles  character and kindness. I have since written my own eulogy and my funeral arrangements to spare my family the stress of this in the future..not as morbid as I thought and with the message that I know eulogies are hard, so ok to just read this….

suz m June 11, 2024

I think all those who criticise and condemn former Premier Andrews, should take a mere moment and imagine what it must have been like to be his shoes, for every 11am press conference, for every announcement of the deaths from covid, every Announcement of a lockdown, every time he had to tell us, we can’t relieve restrictions -yet. Premier Andrews lead, cause he was on the spot to lead. Imagine what that must have felt like…I’m a proud Victorian, a Melbournian who followed the rules of every restriction, every limitation, every shutdown- if it was me I’d have asked the king to knight him!!! 

suz m April 22, 2024

Reading between the lines these rules sound very specific and alcohol if they’d occurred at other family members weddings & turned ugly…maybe it’s just a bit of risk mitigation for bogan behaviour of mates and relatives. 

suz m April 7, 2024

Single, never married and richer than 99% of my married friends…just make it $ yourself…it’s way easier….

suz m March 31, 2024

@spandexben have traveled a combination of with loved ones, with trusted friends and solo, majority time solo…while it is not all sunsets and cocktails, consideration of safety and security is always front of mind…but an itinerary that is purely what I love to do has created some unique experiences. I’ve just booked an end of year trip to location based on a book I’ve just read. 

suz m March 16, 2024

Great article - more investigative stuff like this please…next topic the explosion of the ill qualified, over priced so called money literacy programs aimed at women…the ‘pink money scam’!!  

suz m March 14, 2024

You’ve got mail - both lead characters are in relationships 

Sleepless in Seattle - female lead character is engaged 

suz m February 25, 2024

Only thing missing from this article was the 3rd person..the viewpoint and prospective of those dating the ‘married but dating’ - how do they feel, think about and mentally and emotionally process this ‘limited, go nowhere dating’….are they also married? Or are they single, solo, dating, partnered?!?! me wanna hear from them!!! 

suz m February 16, 2024

I’m having to ‘set’ my home every weekend at moment as I have it on the market..that means depersonalising and framed photos get tucked in a drawer…I found myself ‘apologising’ to my loved ones in the pictures as I yet again had to hide them away…I love the beautiful Vera Wang frames - nothing but the best for my loved ones…❤️🖼️❤️🖼️

suz m February 1, 2024

‘Pretty’ is just dumb luck..clever, accomplished, achievements, success is mindset and effort - and is your kids to own…💐💐💐💐

suz m January 14, 2024

@laura__palmer - fabulous progressive thinking Tassie…love the process has already started…. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

suz m January 12, 2024

Destination weddings that are convenient location for one side of the family but no one else. Let’s travel 600km round trip to a beach location cause it’s where the grooms parents beach house is!!  

suz m January 12, 2024

My expectation in the next year or two the big corporates will make Aust Day an optional leave day for their staff..replaced with a general ‘cultural day’ that staff can take any time of the year…the big end of town will kick it off, followed by universities, then hospitals, schools & retail and finally the govt sector…by will be gone in entirety…a cultural day to have the freedom to attend a First Nation exhibition, a walking tour or a lecture or class to learn about oldest living culture on earth…that sounds pretty good to me! 

suz m January 9, 2024

When my niece was little and we were out for family dinner we played ‘spot the date seat’ and look at couples where women were given the ‘date seat’ I.e back to wall, facing the door..verses ‘not in date seat’ where they were relegated to chair in the walk through area/facing away from door…5 year old happily pointing ‘date seat’ ‘not date seat’…I wanted her to remember so no silly boy would ever offer her ‘not date seat!’ 💐💐💐💐💐

suz m January 5, 2024

Reminds me of conversation I had with my optometrist this week - I said why do the staff always ask whether I like the look of my frames? It’s how they feel that matters to me as I wear them all day - I don’t have to look at them so I really don’t care what they look like. She laughed and said ‘well most people care what they look like’….waste of time… Elizabeth Gilbert, her book on marriage across different cultures is simply brilliant!!