User Comments

laurenella March 14, 2024

@simple simon THEY END UP A COUPLE!!!

laurenella March 14, 2024

So colourless and shapeless is the way to go? No thanks, sounds like a dull sad fashion life. (And if this is the look women adopt after a certain age it explains why so many complain of feeling invisible- literally dressing to blend into the scenery!) ☹️

laurenella March 13, 2024

To put it plainly, trad wife life looks f**king horrendous. I wonder if any woman following this as their "fantasy life" remembers the last time they cleaned a shower or had to clean milk (or vomit) out of carpet or vacuum or do any of the other realities that actually running a home entails. Correct, it SUCKED. And it's these chores that would be taking up 90% of your day if you were a 24/7 Trad wife, not baking bread and watering yeast. I guess it's easy to romantisize a lifestyle when your only being shown an insanely manipulated view of it 

laurenella March 4, 2024

Ha, this entire article could've been replaced with a red flag emoji for every letter. I'm more baffled that this would be a surprise to anyone than I am at the actual behaviour. A YouTubing monk who charges $11,000 for a "masters in life coaching"? I mean...πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

laurenella March 3, 2024

Well, at least it's embarassing in the other direction for a change. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

laurenella March 3, 2024

Can I please come join you in your yurt? I don't want to be out here, where we have to pretend we don't see what we see and then pretend we're not talking about what we're talking about on top. Then, of course, get blamed and shamed for even recognising anything at all is happening in the first place.

It's not judgemental to state the f**king obvious or address reality. PLEASE! DISCUSS! Ignoring is just as bad as acknowledging.

laurenella March 2, 2024

I turn 40 at the end of the month and don't really care either way. The 30s were absolute s**t so that kind of balances out any off feelings about turning "old". But I would like to point out one thing: my age and wisdom allows me to recognise that the original post from the psychologist was some MAJOR toxic positivity. It doesnt make anyone feel better about turning 40, it just gives you something else to feel bad about because you're feeling the "wrong way". F** her. πŸ˜›

laurenella February 29, 2024

@simple simon Thank god you added this because my reply to your first response was going to be "I'm, welcome to the world?" 😝 I know it must be different for men but think about any social event you've been to...ever...and see if you can remember how many times you saw a woman show up in the same outfit, either lately or decades ago. If you don't remember I bet the women in your life would if someone showed up to multiple weddings wearing the same dress. πŸ‘€πŸ˜―

laurenella February 27, 2024

Stop romantisizing the pandemic. More and more I hear people talking about it in nostalgic terms, often the very same people who were the most vocal about the trauma of it at the time. Reducing it to a time when there was more flexibility with work and less demanding social commitments...stop it.

laurenella February 15, 2024

I'm with you, he seems like a tool.

laurenella February 14, 2024

Kudos for the hat, but whatever this thing is looks like a self-indulgent disaster of epic proportions. And an epic ego to match.

laurenella February 14, 2024

@mamamia-user-482898552 because female doctors tend to be more sympathetic to female pain. They also tend to be more sympathetic to the psychological impact and of mental illness. It sounds like a cliche but cliches exist for a reason. Obviously this is general and doesn't apply to ALL male and female doctors- #notallwomen (ha)

laurenella February 13, 2024

Oh hoorah, let's all breathe a sigh of relief that we can all have access to Archetypes again, possibly the single most self-indulgent and over-produced podcast ever to exist.

Something tells me she'll have learnt nothing from that experience and the next offering will be much the same. I'm neither a lover nor a hater but the prospect of this woman ever doing something that isn't highly scripted, edited, filtered, manufactured etc is less than zero- the irony that she's always banging on about "authentic self" and "organic" is so...πŸ˜’

laurenella January 29, 2024

The problem with this look (or one of many) is that unless you're wearing the really expensive/designer versions of the fur coats, leather pants, gold jewellery etc...budget versions look REALLY cheap. Even mid-range versions look cheap. And it's not welcoming to mix and match eg: where one main expensive item will make the rest seem similar, it's the complete opposite. A single pair of cheap hoop earring or a faux leather boot and your whole outfit

 looks like it came from Shein. 😳 Best just to leave it to the loaded mob wives I think.

laurenella January 29, 2024

Emily needs to find some hobbies and interests. I am 100% Sally's facial expressions watching this πŸ˜‚

laurenella January 20, 2024

Aside from the last, this list should be called "everything to read if you want to induce clinical depression". And as a literature major I'm sending out a flare: do not under any circumstances attempt Moby Dick unless you want to take it a step further and bore yourself to death. 🐳

laurenella January 15, 2024

Well, I must say that by that point in the movie, given what else we've seen thus far, my reaction to the grave scene was "Yep, that seems about right". It's only after reading about everyone else's reaction that I questioned whether mine was a centre? πŸ˜…

Either way it's a brilliant movie and everyone should see it. It's literally the first time I've been able to sit through a movie from beginning to end in YEARS. Probably don't watch it with your parents though. πŸͺ¦πŸΏπŸŽ¬

laurenella January 15, 2024

Am I the only person who looks at these lists and am 100% convinced I'd absolutely smash a red carpet look? Me, sitting here in my 5yro pj shorts and manky tshirt, saying "Who are their f**ing stylists? Where are their friends to tell them maybe try the other dress?".... πŸ˜†

laurenella January 13, 2024

Mine was bright yellow and cost $1200 including insurance or registration or whatever all the boring expensive stuff is (this wasn't the ye ol' days where you have to account for inflation, it was 2003). It could not be killed. Once the brakes stopped working while I was driving in the middle of the city, it caught on fire twice and by the end it had no bumper bars, no hubcaps and two of the windows had fallen inside the doors. But it drove off happily into the sunset with its new owner and it's the only car I ever reminisce about. His name was Carson. πŸ’›

laurenella January 12, 2024

This "crazy" girl agrees and can confirm: the flip exists. Although I'd add that even when it's SO obvious it's occurred, men will remain oblivious as to why things suddenly went off and will just think it's "one of those things". Self-awareness isn't their strong suit, generally speaking 😐

(Side note: the Dolly Alderton book was such a disappointment.  It's just so...average. ☹️)