User Comments

cam June 29, 2023

Well done to her for sharing this with the world, and for being a great advocate for women’s health! Hope she recovers well. 

cam May 15, 2023

As a former Lifeline volunteer, I was always told not to disclose that I volunteered there. It can discourage people from calling as they may fear you will be the one answering the call. Might be a good idea to consider publishing this content under an anonymous author.

cam April 17, 2023

You are spot on with the comment that parents are the educators of their children, not a tv show. Teach your children to think critically and empower them with education. Parents should be in control of what kids watch. Don’t be lazy and let tv shows and the influencers educate your child. I’m sure there are swathes of parents that have no idea what apps their tweens are using or what content they’re accessing. Bluey is not the issue here!

cam May 25, 2022

Now I understand where the inspiration for Blair’s ill fated wedding on Gossip Girl came from!

cam February 19, 2022

Good on you Grace. Absolute legend. Just donated 👍

cam December 8, 2021

@anonymous I would have no qualms, as an adult, if I lost a game of musical chairs.

cam October 31, 2021

Loved this! You’re amazing!

cam September 11, 2021

There’s always been brands that cater to young teens with ridiculous sizing. They just approached it differently, e.g. XL sizings would be equivalent to a size 10. 

cam July 18, 2021

While I’m not a fan of anectodal evidence, I just wanted to share that my periods did not change whatsoever post Pfizer. 

cam July 15, 2021

I didn’t recognise most of them because they’ve all got new teeth.

cam May 22, 2021

@mamamia-user-482898552 Kids need fine-motor and gross-motor skills.

Gross motor skills are important because they develop the larger core muscles. They enable children to perform every day functions, such as walking and running, getting dressed without falling over, and maintaining posture. 
Kids with low muscle tone can’t sit on a carpet, or cope with a whole day of sitting. They can’t hold a pencil properly or write for long without fatiguing. If you visit an early years classroom (P-3) the kids who have poor muscle tone really struggle just to interact in a classroom. PE isn’t about competitiveness in those earlier years. It’s about developing these core muscles. They do obstacle circuits and fun activities - not competitive sprints.

cam May 22, 2021

@cat 1/4 of the English national curriculum is about speaking and listening - it’s incredibly normal that kids are expected to practise that skill in front of others. How else can they improve without training?

P.E. teachers do teach individual events and techniques.. They spend weeks on each skill in preparation for school carnivals, e.g. two weeks on long jump, two weeks on high jump. They’re not leaving the kids to fend for themselves.

cam January 5, 2021

Weddings are inherently a selfish day, so of course people are going to make selfish choices right now. Having a great wedding day doesn’t mean your union will last any longer.

cam January 2, 2021

Maybe this should say the day after your separation. By the time your divorce is final you’re probably no longer emotionally invested.

cam December 13, 2020

Rubbish. Divorces can be amicable and both parties can behave respectfully. That headlines does not encompass the population.

cam November 1, 2020

How do I watch this in Aus?

cam August 2, 2020

@gu3st Ciaran (with one r) is the Irish spelling