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annikab May 25, 2024

Hi Holly, 

I can usually relate to your point of view but you’ve lost me on this one. Of course young women, especially mothers are idealising ‘tradwives’ and it probably comes precisely due to the cost of everything and that a more traditional home life is now so unaffordable. I don’t think it is only women though, homesteading is also an increasing trend and I know plenty of men who would love a couple of acres and a tractor 😂 didn’t you yourself move out of the city for a quieter life? (I haven’t listened lately so might be wrong with that)
Isn’t Instagram and TikTok full of people flaunting unrealistic and unachievable lifestyles. Isn’t it a tad dramatic to conflate watching this sort of content with self harm!?! I personally completely understand the interest in these women who have the time and resources to dedicate to caring for their families. I have studied four years, worked four years then had my daughter and felt my priorities shift. I know in my mums generation, many mothers didn’t return to work until their youngest started school. Now most of my mum friends returned around when their baby was one (or sooner) and many describe it as painful and difficult to navigate childcare and return to work before you’re ready. I think it’s bizarre that we now live in a culture where women can’t care for their kids even if they want to. Shouldn’t we be focusing on that, rather than rolling our eyes at trad wives and anyone who aspires to that.
It’s also a bit pessimistic to raise topics like divorce and abuse when I’m sure working mothers are just as affected. I understand that if you continue working you give yourself a buffer, you maintain some of your independence but I think we’ve gone too far.
 If you can be so independent that you can’t spend majority of your waking hours with people you love then isn’t that slightly insane?
Anyway, I think we should be looking at what these women have got right. And obviously they’re striking a cord. Maybe they can actually help alleviate the cost of living pressures because a loaf of sourdough doesn’t cost $8 to bake yourself 😂