User Comments

kittym January 20, 2022

If you have a very sick or dying parent, child or sibling travel in and out of WA is more important and still an option Mr McGowan has kept us safe for a long time now These decisions will never please everyone but they do save lives and someones got to have the balls to make them


kittym August 29, 2021

I wasnt producing enough breast milk and my premmie twins weren't gaining weight - tried lots of things with help and advice from hospital staff After 4 weeks the most lovely midwife offered some words of wisdom that helped more than any other advice "When you look at me" she said "can you tell if I was breast or bottle fed" The answer being no - I switched to bottles of formula and my twins reached the magic target of 2kg body weight and we were out of hospital at the end of the week!

kittym July 1, 2021

Sometimes its better to walk away I've had to distance us from previously very good friends both parents and children These children were always allowed to be rough with it being laughed at by the parents with the excuse boys will be boys By the age of 7 my children getting physically and verbally abused each time we saw them with little to no reaction from the parents of the children doing this The most that was done was threatening to take away 5 mins of ipad time when one of my children was punched to the ground then jumped on and continued to be kicked The child laughed at this and said to the parent you won't do that then walked off, nothing more was said by the childs parents