User Comments

sj. July 18, 2024

@Guest. I don't think it's an unrealistic expectation to get treated with respect and kindness. To not be disregarded and belittled. 
I don't think it's unrealistic to expect a nurse to take 3 seconds to say "I need to feel how dilated you are, is that okay".
I don't think it's unrealistic to expect to be at least warned at a checkup with your OBGYN that in the event of an emergency we may need to do x, y, or z for this or that reason.
I don't think it's unrealistic to be warned, we need to cut you now to get the baby out, this is going to hurt, I'm sorry. 

I think it's unrealistic to expect women to just expect this behavior and treatment that a farmer would be arrested for if he did it to his cattle, simply because our mothers, aunts and grandmothers put up with it. 
Women who don't want improvements for the women after them simply because they didn't get them themselves is just plain ugly. 

sj. June 28, 2024

Can we all agree that doctors who say "you're too young for cancer" need to go in the bin, because cancer doesn't care about age.
US Model Elly Mayday was 25 when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 31 when she passed away. 
I'm so angered and saddened by every single one of these stories where women's health conditions and concerned are disregarded and put in the too hard basket. 
We're all thinking of you Liz and your determination to change the way the medical field and Government view women's health. 

sj. June 20, 2024

@mamamia-user-482898552 Spot on.
I'm 34, I was considering getting botox when I turned 30, I'm so glad I didn't. 
Its name is not a coincidence, it is a toxin. It weakens the muscles which will eventually cause permanant muscle damage and skin to drop. These 20 somethings who have been no stranger to the needle from the moment they had grown up money are going to be so sorry they did it in 10 years 

sj. June 18, 2024

"Kidfluencers" and family bloggers/vloggers should be labeled for what they are, CHILD EXPLOITATION.
You are posting your child on social media for a profit, nothing else, regardless of how parents try to explain it. 
These parents are knowingly putting their children at risk because they are a paycheck, the child "enjoys" it because they were encouraged too just the same way a child will enjoy participating in a sporting activity if they are encouraged. 

sj. June 17, 2024

Yes, I do. I feel unsafe in a society that doesn't respect my right to safety. 
Vyleen White. Shin* and her 72yo mother. Jane Doe - Crunch Fitness. Kieran*. Jeannine Baird. 
These are all cases of violence against women in carparks just this year....the ones that made the media anyway.
Some of these attacks were in broad daylight. 
Time and location do not matter. 
Invalidating women's fears when they have every right to be afraid in a society that wants to harm them...that matters. 

sj. June 13, 2024

I have been a grey rocker for years, just didn't have a name for it.
I think it developed due to my dislike of small talk and being talk at rather than talked to.
Every Monday at the office when I asked "how was your weekend" my immediate answer is "not bad". I have engaged and held up my end of the conversation in a way that gives nothing away that may or may not be used against me. 

sj. June 12, 2024

@mamamia-user-482898552 Yes because nothing bad has ever happened to a woman in broad daylight. 

sj. June 6, 2024

I always park as close to the entrance of the supermarket or shopping center as possible. 
My male partner made fun of me for this but he didn't understand I do this so I don't have to walk across a dark, poorly lit car park at night to grab groceries after work. I'm close to the entrance that is well lit and if the worst happens, there's at least cameras. I then take my cart back into the supermarket rather than out into the car park trolley bay.
So many people just live their lives not having to think about these things and that's so great for them but it's not everyone's reality 

sj. May 24, 2024

I was using expensive shampoo, conditioner and treatments when I was blonde, Olaplex, Kérastase and K18. My hair felt like crap but that's because it was bleached. 
I then switched to Pantene and in my last bleach treatment my hair burnt and snapped which has never happened before as my hair takes bleach pretty well. 
This may have been a coincidence for sure, but it was enough to scare me back to salon quality products. 
Since growing out the bleach and getting back to my natural colour I've gone back to my Pantene and my hair looks and feels amazing. 
Current faves are the Pantene Biotin Daily Intensive shampoo and conditioner combo and the Pantene Pro-V 3 minute treatment. 

sj. May 19, 2024

@pippa While I agree that it's difficult and unfair to be filling in the blanks about the mother and her potential shortcomings, you have done the same about the father. 
We only have a one sided story from the mother, from her perspective. 
She said she has anger issues and it's been years since she has spoken to her ex, the father of her child. Now why is that?
How can you co-parent a child without speaking to your co-parent. 
Why would a child up and leave over what is seemingly, from the story a rather mild incident? 
Seems like this mother who may very well be genuinely hurting, is leaving out a history of incidents just like this with her daughter and ex and maybe this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. 

sj. March 24, 2024

MIL asked if couple needed help planning gender reveal.

DIL said no, but you can help set up if you want.
MIL asked for payment because she's "not your f**king maid.
Son blocked her and uninvited her. 
She was re-invited at the last second and set off the fire alarm before the gender was revealed resulting in what is most likely a planned disruption for content.
I hope the fire department works that out and charges them for wasting their time.  

sj. March 3, 2024

With the changes to Texan laws, he should be charge with attempted murder. 

sj. February 23, 2024

This gives off massive "is it me, am I the drama?" vibes.
You are throwing away a lifetime of love and kinship with your sister because you're jealous, plain and simple.
From what you've said, there was absolutely no drama. Penny and Ben were discreet and mindful of your feelings. Penny didn't skirt around the question, she came to you immediately and told you to your face.
As others have said, YOU have a new husband, and Penny and Ben have now been together longer than you were.
Sounds like you are just jealous that unfortunately, she was a better fit for him than you were so now you are punishing her by cutting her off and potentially creating a lot of upset and drama for your own daughter who may now feel guilt for spending time with her Aunty when she visits her dad knowing that you no longer speak to her.
Sounds to me like you could really do with some therapy to talk through your own hurt feelings and realise the drama you have created in their lives by cutting off your sister.

sj. February 13, 2024

I don't watch the Olympics, watching sport is not my thing but I would watch this.
I've been saying in the years since Lance Armstrong was denounced when everyone else was pretty much doping and he was still the best, they should just have their own games. 
That and having an everyman/woman in each event of the real Olympics to act as a barometer to show just how impressive the athletes are. 

sj. February 6, 2024

@simple simon It's very MLM isn't it? LOL

My partner and I have been together for 12 years, not married.
We started getting asked around the 4 year mark when we were having kids, when we're getting married, has he proposed yet?
Uhhh it's so tiresome and boring. 
Ask us about our next holiday or what our favourite dinosaur is or who can run faster...anything but THAT! 

sj. January 31, 2024

@rk in sydney  without having ever watch MAFS and only ready this article, I agree with you. Sometimes we're so keen to see the bad in people we often don't have the grace to offer the benefit of the doubt. 
I often feel really disappointed in myself for not being able to maintain relationships better. I have had several long term jobs and made many friends, but once that employment ends so do the friendships, same with high school and uni. 
I just don't have the capacity to maintain so many friendships from so many periods in my life so I have a very small group of friends who I adore. 
Sometimes people just aren't good at it and the reasons aren't always nefarious. 

sj. January 16, 2024

The hangers are horrid and terribly outdated but they may be something your son will look back on fondly. 
My grandmother hand crocheted all her grandchildren patchwork blankets with flowers on them. Boys, and girls, we all had that blanket on our bed at one point as kids. 
It's something that bonds all of us cousins and we chat about fondly. 
I'm sure our mothers found they weren't to their taste but the blankets weren't for them afterall.

sj. January 12, 2024

I just cut my long almond-shaped nails short before reading this! 

I have been wearing my nails long in either a stiletto or almond shape for nearly 10 years. 
I'm turning 34 this year and feel like I want to tone down my wardrobe and thus my nails which are an accessory, of course. So short nails in soft neutral colours will be my jam for the year.
I think on me, they look much more that the right word? 

sj. January 7, 2024

I think the key phrase here is "Good managers".
Every single one of these 5 things managers want us to stop doing would be seen as varying levels of insubordination at my workplace. 

sj. January 1, 2024

Before I saw there was an update I was going to give this fool the benefit of the doubt and say he's either a young widower, his ex hasn't collected her stuff yet or he's house-sitting for someone with a nicer place than him.
But nope, he's just very stupid.