User Comments

summer July 12, 2024

The historical pedant in me is immediately drawn to the fact that, although Pedro Pascal looks fantastic with a moustache, he wouldn't have had one, Romans didn't have moustaches as that was a thing the barbarian Gauls did.

summer June 29, 2024

I agree with you, the objection to the word 'flattering' is just another case of people in the fat-activist space getting unreasonably upset and feeling victimised about something that actually applies to all people. Finding flattering clothes is something each person has to manage, whether it be big boobs, small boobs, short legs, big feet...everyone has bodily quirks that can be dressed more flatteringly in some ways than others. It's literally like finding the colours that suit you, it's not a negative thing to be upset over at all!

summer June 20, 2024

@mamamia-user-482898552 also the ubiquity of procedures in Gen Z (as well as the earlier age)! Seems like everyone younger has at least their lips done, even if they are not an influencer and work at the supermarket, it's become as common as dyeing your hair. For even Millennials, as well as older generations, procedures were very much a celebrity or rich person only-type thing, the average Millennial did not have anything done throughout their 20s and sees no reason to start now they're older

summer June 20, 2024

I already pulled off those Grade 4 😂

summer June 3, 2024

It's misogyny-based bullying of someone 'different'. Angelina has said herself that she's not a very likeable person and doesn't have many friends. This doesn't make her a bad person! She seems like a wonderful, caring mother, people don't like her because she doesn't play the smiley Hollywood girlie game. The children are adults and clearly making informed choices for themselves. Public commentary on this kind of deeply private matter is so misplaced.

summer May 28, 2024

Is writing 'Mrs & Mr' a micro-feminist act if the couple are sharing the man's name already?

summer May 28, 2024

If you're feeling shamed and bullied by people 15 years younger than you for being 'unfashionable', that's a you problem. Part of growing up is realising that you can live your own life and not try to keep up with the trends of 20-year olds. I'm a Millennial and I wear what I like, I don't care if Gen Z thinks I'm 'uncool' because they're babies and have no bearing on my life. At 35, I'm my own person, I know what I like and see nothing wrong with that.

summer May 24, 2024

This is a very 'small talk' form of conversation. Do people not have discussions about ideas, or unpacking things in depth anymore? One of the best things in conversation is when you are challenged to form a completely new thought or viewpoint in response to questions being asked. 

summer May 23, 2024

I feel like having 'unhappiness leave' as a specific category is treading dangerous ground, I foresee employers demanding to know the specifics of what this 'unhappiness' is before leave is approved. It's an intrusion into people's personal lives. People should not have to provide details of their personal lives to employers when requesting leave, it should just be personal leave.

summer May 23, 2024

A loss of 27kg in 48 weeks does not seem like an amazing, 'supercharged' weight loss to me. You could easily achieve the same results or better by a normal calorie-controlled diet, no need to risk untested medications.

summer May 23, 2024

Millennials don't use shoulder bags because we all destroyed our back/shoulders carrying huge, overladen totes during the 2000s. We learned from experience it's a bad idea, Gen Z will discover their mistake in 10 years' time!

summer May 19, 2024

Yep. Then you have the double-whammy of being a Golden Child who 'fails' their parent by developing severe mental health issues, and consequently becoming the Scapegoat who ruined their parent's life by not maintaining that standard of perfectionism. That's fun.

summer May 7, 2024

Anyone who did not reference a bed or sleeping has failed the brief. Lana del Ray and Lizzo won this round. Rihanna would've if she attended.

summer May 7, 2024

I always feel for Kim. Imagine if you heard her life story out of context, she has undergone the most horrific pregnancy experiences (to the point where she was told she could have died and would if she got pregnant again), she has been held up at gunpoint while naked and feared for her life, she dealt with Kanye for years...if she wasn't rich and famous, anyone would be empathetic towards her.

summer May 6, 2024

'Show me a popstar with a squeaky clean rap sheet'.

Hilary Duff. It can be done.

summer May 6, 2024

Just the thing I needed to see today. What an absolute queen!!

summer April 28, 2024

@nopenopenope11 Agree, I often wore my school skirt but I also wore pants. There were official uniform pants but no one wore them, everyone wore the 'FaceOff' pants in the school colour (navy blue). This was a constant across all public schools in the 2000s, these pants were fashionably flared, available at every shopping centre and in a range of uniform-appropriate colours (black, grey etc.). Judging by girls today, they're still around. Most schools allow them even though not part of the uniform as they're plain and comfortable. It's ridiculous to demand girls to wear a skirt when in any other professional context, they wouldn't have to!

summer April 22, 2024

@mamamia-user-482898552 agreed. Taking your baby to a performance for adults is not a human right.

summer April 22, 2024

@lorrae84 I believe the mother mentioned to press that she was breastfeeding at the time she was asked to leave to further the narrative of outrage. Obviously Arj couldn't have seen she was breastfeeding from the stage.

summer April 5, 2024

Love this! I got into swimming about 5 years ago and one thing I've found to be great for my self-image is using the change rooms. Just feeling comfortable to be naked around other naked women without it being a huge deal, no one has a perfect body but we've all been loving our bodies through exercise. It's made me look at my body as a 'doing' living thing rather than an object to be observed. Next stop is a nudie beach one day!