User Comments

kat_ June 2, 2024

I get that you want to discuss this now that you're in a new phase of life, but your friends aren't actually obligated to share their trying to conceive experiences with you. It seems kind of intrusive to be "furious" at friends for not talking with you about it. Are we actually entitled to that sort of info? What if those friends happen to be private people, or one partner in the couple wants to keep things quiet for whatever reason?

kat_ May 21, 2024

Even if these kids supposedly "love" being on the platform, they are actually too young to consent to this. They simply can't grasp the risks or how it will effect their future so there is no informed consent from the child. I suspect a lot of their earnings will need to be spent on therapy.

I think parents who are doing this need help to understand why they are doing it. I get that it's financially lucrative, but for most parents there are lines we won't cross around safety and we don't use our child for financial gain. Why are these parents choosing to repeatedly cross those lines and why are they focused on financial gain? Probably some unmet emotional needs impacting their behaviour. I hope they can get some help to sort through this.

kat_ April 23, 2024

This is honestly the best article on birth trauma I have ever read. I feel like Clare put so many things into words that I also went through and haven't been able to articulate.

During pregnancy I did everything I could to prevent the experience of birth trauma including spending a fortune on weekly counselling sessions and private health insurance. No one did anything to intentionally harm me during birth. Yet I still wound up with birth trauma. I was dissociated and felt completely numb, I was so out of it I have no memory of the moment I met my baby. In those first weeks I couldn't make sense of the numbness I felt and was disappointed and horrified by it.

Looking back, I wish I had known that the moment of first meeting the baby isn't actually as important as I thought.  There have been so many other moments of overwhelming love and joy since then.

I am always so grateful that Mamamia tells the truth about birth and what it is really like.

kat_ April 4, 2024

Ok this is just terrifying. I am so sorry to hear what you went through.

kat_ April 3, 2024

Wonderful news! Great to see Sophie looking so happy

kat_ March 29, 2024

The vitriol directed at child free women is insane. I’ve never seen it happen to child free men…

kat_ February 23, 2024

The first time I had microblading  done in it was amazing and a game changer. I went back to the same person to get it done again a few years later and the results were awful. Now I have that grey shadowing below one eyebrow. Definitely don’t recommend it.

kat_ February 18, 2024

Not everyone needs long term therapy and many people benefit from shorter 

However, people with attachment injuries and complex trauma often really need long term therapy to actually receive effective treatment. Seeing one therapist long term can also prevent the risk of retransmission from retelling a traumatic story over and over to different providers. 

kat_ February 2, 2024

To be honest I can sort of understand a phone ban if one of your bridesmaids is ready use any issue that pops up at the hens for ‘content.’ One wrong move and she will be labelling you bridezilla and posting about it in salacious detail on the internet!

No one seems to have reacted well here but the fact that the bridesmaid made the choice to post on social media about the fall out speaks volumes about the bridesmaid. I’m sure there are two sides to every story and unfortunately we don’t get to hear the other side so the bridesmaid has essentially initiated a pile on to get people to hate on the bride. I just don’t think that’s the way to treat someone right before their wedding, or at any time.

kat_ February 2, 2024

I’m disappointed that this article doesn’t really

go anywhere. It just seems to say ‘I’m pretty and my daughters aren’t!’ over and over again in different ways. It really seems to be below Mamamia’s usual standard. I wish the author had gone on a bit of a reflective journey about how she has grappled with and questioned her internalised standards of beauty. Instead this just reads like her 12-year-old old self wrote the article. 

kat_ January 12, 2024

If you turn a sound machine off, the baby will just wake up and cry again. That's why this request was so obnoxious, especially after the parents have had such a battle to get the baby to sleep. Most parents know this so I assuming the people complaining had no experience with babies.

The flight attendant could have offered the complaining passangers headphones if they find white noise bothersome.

kat_ December 13, 2023

I think if you are planning a wedding you just need to accept that guests cancel at the last minute for a whole range of reasons. Yes, it's a special day for you, but people lead complicated lives which don't revolve around your wedding plans.

If a guest pulled out because they can't afford to travel, then it seems cruel to ask them to pay for a seat at a wedding they can't afford to attend. It's probably embarrassing enough for them to have to say they can't afford to attend, if you're a true friend you need to accept that not everyone has money, rather than hassling people who are already struggling.

kat_ November 9, 2023

Brilliant - we do need to stop asking people this. I've seen the 'where are you really from' play out so many times, it's so cringe worthy. 

kat_ November 1, 2023

Context is everything, and the comments make so much more sense with the context provided here. Sounds like the episode was edited to be inflammatory.

kat_ November 1, 2023

Wow they brought over someone else's washing?! That is just crazy! 

So happy to read that this complex situation did improve in the end.

kat_ October 11, 2023

I'm grateful to this author and to sites like mamamia who share the full reality of birth. Women need to know what can happen and what their choices are.

kat_ September 26, 2023

Maybe you are going through a rough patch right now. I think making a global judgement of 'not a good Mum' is just too harsh.  There's still time for things to improve.

kat_ September 20, 2023

All the best to Jessie!! And can someone please tell her to stop being so hard on herself!

kat_ September 10, 2023

Wow, I am not in any group chats where this is happening, I am kind of shocked that this is supposedly a thing women are routinely participating in. I dunno, the friends I have are so busy with all the complexities of life...I just haven't seen this negative commentary crop up at all.

kat_ August 9, 2023

What a great article. As a NICU Mum I really grieved the golden hour. In hindsight I wish I had never heard of the concept of golden hour. It just added to the overwhelm and trauma of the baby being separated from me and being so ill. I love the last line of this article - I also didn't get the golden hour but got my golden boy!!