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everydayplainjane July 11, 2023

Yes he is a narcissist....hello Hollywood, however read more of her texts and see she is a nasty vengeful young woman in search of an extra 15mins of fame and trying to ruin a new mums moment (she admits she has waited for her to have the baby before she released all these screenshots). I encourage you to peruse @houseinhabit to get all sides of a story. There is no good person in this saga, it's just a messy breakup with a girl embarrassing herself when her ex moves on. Yes her ex was a narcissistic fool, but she is not doing herself any favours with her worldwide tantrum on view

everydayplainjane March 19, 2023

The night my mother-inlaw passed away, I sat and held her hand while she breathed painfully. I promised her I would look after my dad-inlaw, her son (my husband) and our kids. I thanked her for loving me and asked her to forgive me for not appreciating her more and that I hoped she knew I loved her so much. 

Three months later I tried frantically to save my dad-inlaw from a pulmonary oedema, didn't say anything about how much I love and needed him, but tried to keep him here till the ambulance came. After he passed I lay on his chest and told him I was sorry I couldn't save him. 

Three years later and grief overwhelms me daily. They were both so young, were so important in our lives daily, without them I am lonely and struggle emotionally, physically and mentally - grief has left me very alone.

covisolator July 20, 2022

@rush yes I agree, we knew years ago it was about Uncle Joey!!

covisolator April 24, 2022

I recently was deleted by a friend. Their teen had been passive aggressively bullying mine and when I broached it to help them both the friend burst into tears, made some accusations about a different teen altogether and then walked off. Later I reached out with an olive branch only to have more unfounded accusations flung at my kids and then deleted off all socials and mobile. To be honest I’m relieved. The only reason for our friendship had been mutual kids sports. She projects an earth mother, sweet persona but in reality she is opinionated, arrogant and a bit uneducated. I now realise it is a blessing.

covisolator May 10, 2020

@franc I’m feeling you so much. Recently I lost my mother-in-law who I was extremely close with, after 14mths of palliative care. In all that time my own mother just couldn’t do what I needed which was to be there, it was always about her and nonsensical ramblings about people I don’t know and how they dealt with health issues. Worse was realising that my mother has a prescription pill addiction and that she even made the day of the funeral all about her. I haven’t spoken to her in months and I finally realised I don’t have to, I don’t have to feel guilty about not needing her in my life. I allow my children to talk to her but I no longer desire a relationship with her. She is toxic for me. We often feel obligated to maintain one but when it’s detrimental to our own health and happiness then the decision has to be made xx

Covisolator May 1, 2020

Yes mind you the start of this year has been a whirlwind anyways and isolation was the icing on the cake of the death of my friendship. My “best friend” took five days to contact me when my mum died in late February- and that was a Facebook message! There had been limited contact in the weeks leading up to her death and none since. The funeral was the week before shutdown so isolation has only strengthened the distance and given the proverbial nail in the coffin. I’ve heard not one word from her. It’s made me realise she actually wasn’t a real friend at all and was contacting me all that time for her own benefits to ensure I was making money for her in her online business - oh the benefit of hindsight and worldwide pandemics!!