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kelloneill June 27, 2024

Her Doctor said she was too young to get Cancer? Isn't that just completely untrue? I was told I was being silly thinking there was something wrong with my heart and a year or so later I had a series of heart attacks due to an artery that was 95% blocked. I ended up needing emergency double bypass surgery. Doctors shouldn't be alarmists but they shouldn't be dismissive either.

kelloneill June 24, 2024

As a 50 year old woman, stories like this blow my mind and make me re-think my whole childhood and adolescence. A grown man giving me "sexy" compliments and private attention happened ALL the time in my youth. But it was the 80s so absolutely nobody thought anything of it. To now know that men can be arrested for predatory behaviour and young girls can be heard about things like this is amazing.

kelloneill June 7, 2024

Interestingly she also added, 'What if I told you I'm back?' from 'The Alchemy', which is the only non-album title to make it into the intro. 
What about "It's been a long time coming"? It's not a song title either but a line from Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince. It's the most iconic line in the intro (besides the album titles) and is a very important nod to the fact that a long amount of time has been spent creating this enormous back catalogue of tracks. It could also be alluding to how it'd been quite a while between touring.

kelloneill May 31, 2024

I also think Chrissy has sometimes not known the difference between humour and inappropriateness. I've seen tweets in the past where she said some really weird stuff about kids and babies. I was actually expecting to read about it within this article but it never was mentioned. I won't go into detail is it's super weird but I think she just has a very odd sense of humour. The kind of stuff teenagers say before they grow up.

kelloneill May 29, 2024

The overwhelming response of the Dad not letting the Mum have her own moment is an interesting reaction. Mostly because I had cynically assumed that the public would have been quick to call the Mum dismissive and uncaring to run past the kids to get to the finish line. I was all ready to defend her until I saw that people were coming for the Dad. Hearing the judgement is mostly about the assumption that he couldn't wait to load them back onto her after "Babysitting" his own kids seems extreme though. I doubt even the most selfish of Fathers would expect that. My main response would have been confusion that he thought it was a good idea, when it was obviously pretty bad timing to bring them out at that moment, not to mention dangerous. But yeah, like someone said, we see everybody's faux pas these days without any context. Just make a comment to the person sitting beside you if you feel the need and leave the judgements off the that'll happen.

kelloneill April 23, 2024

It was a 15+ show though. There's no nuance. 

kelloneill April 17, 2024

My hair is super fine, dead straight and flat. That IS my natural texture and volume (or lack there of). I’d love to have bouncy, old money, Brooke Shields type hair but I’m more like Marcia Brady. I’m stoked to know my natural hair is out of style.. How about we ditch “trends” and just do what works for each of us. Diversity should be what’s in fashion.

kelloneill April 10, 2024

I had always adored James Marsden. When someone said they'd watched the documentary showing that he and others had written letters of support, my first assumption was that Brian Peck had fooled them all. When I finally watched it myself and read the letters, I was appalled. They knew what he'd been accused of but chose to support him anyway. I was sickened and shocked! Comments like "He regrets his mistakes." His mistakes??? Like 'Oops, I abused a kid.' No! It's not a mistake -  it's a CRIME. 

kelloneill April 5, 2024

This wording is interesting. Describing their marriage as a tennis match makes it sound like they were continuously volleying crap back and forth and are relieved to “finally” put their racquets down….which, on a side note, are used for hitting. What on earth are they trying to say with that? If a PR person wrote it, they’re either geniuses or seriously clueless. If Sacha or Isla wrote it together then was it an attempt at humour? And if one of them wrote it alone, then was it a not so subtle swipe at the other? Bizarre.

kelloneill February 18, 2024

@ashleybell76 being a non-swiftie means you may not understand the story behind that song. It's pure satire and a clapback at the media. Reporters were so obsessed with Taylor's dating life during this period that they painted a picture of a boy-crazy woman who could get men but not keep them, who would make them fall in love with her but then flip a switch and go mad. The song is written from the perspective of a mentally unhinged character and not based on Taylor's belief system. Taylor does not write nursery rhymes set to music. She's a highly intelligent 34 year old woman who has penned lyrics about the atrocities of war and frontline workers, true crime, addiction and depression, the complexities of divorce, losing a child, grieving a Grandparent and the importance of self expression and resilience. Having an opinion is all well and good but I implore you to make it an informed one.

kelloneill October 8, 2023

@simple simon You actually are privileged if you think getting a loan is easy. I am the carer of an adult autistic son, I rely on the Carers payment to supplement my small income as I can't work full time as well as care for him. The bank won't even consider me for a small loan let alone one big enough to fund plastic surgery. It's not only the super rich who are privileged, its middle class "average" comfortable people too.

kelloneill August 21, 2023

This isn't about love at all. It's about loneliness and the subconscious desire to choose the feeling of being adored over admitting to yourself that's it's all fake. No rational person - even with average intelligence would fall for this unless they actually want to. There was a special on Dr Phil where they literally proved to the people being catfished that it was all fake and yet they chose to still believe it all anyway. I know they say "don't blame the victim" but if they're choosing to believe something that is so obviously fake, are they really victims? It's 2023, we all know to not believe an online stranger that promises the world but never lets you actually meet them and then asks for money. I mean, c'mon...

kelloneill May 5, 2023

This reminds me of Mia and her comments regarding Gwyneth on The Panel back in the 90s. I recall the other hosts were all quite shocked by her candour.

kelloneill November 27, 2022

This is why I find it so upsetting when people romanticise the past and say phrases like "the good old days" or "things were so much better back then". Because obviously, for vulnerable little children like Julia, it wasn't. Adults were so dismissive and neglectful of a young person's psychological development in the past. The fact her parents, her Aunt and the people who owned the bar had that "she'll be right" attitude, astounds and appalls me. There will always be men who are peadophiles, groomers and predators but at least now - caregivers are more aware and alert of such dangers and young people now know that if a trauma unfortunately manages to occur, they have every right to be loud about it and demand to be heard. I'm so glad she triumphed in her later years and has found peace.

kelloneill November 17, 2022

The issue I have with the latest Jennifer Aniston photo spread is that she doesn't actually look like that. Everyone is pouting about her looking "too young" for the average woman to aspire to. But she doesn't look 23 years old at all - in real life she looks like a well preserved 50-something woman who exercises regularly, has great style and has maybe had one or two cosmetic procedures done. Her face is puffy and swollen and looks nothing like it did during her Friends period. Without the suspected fillers and botox, I'd imagine it would probably look pretty much the same:  just more droopy. I'd blame photoshop and the magazine editors before I'd blame Jennifer. But I do wish that society would became obsessed with style and character over "youth". An older woman coming into her own and still seeing herself as a living work of art is more interesting than a middle aged woman chasing what she looked like in her 20s. 

kelloneill November 2, 2022

Is she just trolling the whole world with this ridiculousness? If anyone who can afford this crap actually goes ahead and buys it, then the jokes on them. I find it offensive that there are people out there struggling everyday just to put food on the table and people like Gwyneth and The Kardashians think it's hilarious to pour money into a business that does nothing to make the world a better place. Makes my blood boil. If I had this much money, I sure as hell wouldn't be investing in this kind of foolishness. 

kelloneill October 30, 2022

Police only released an image of a male suspect, a short voice recording and a sketch of the believed killer. Now, five years later, an arrest has finally been murdered. 
 I'm assuming an arrest has finally been *made. 

kelloneill October 5, 2022

I'm a lot more overweight than I was in my youth (48 y/o here) but I truly want to know: do all the slim people I see walking about have a lifestyle that is super restrictive and strict? As in, do they eat hardly anything and exercise three times a day? Because I exercise 40 minutes a day and eat "normally" from the healthy food triangle but is this considered an unhealthy, overweight's person's behaviour? People seem to think it's so simple and easy but if being slim is what is considered the normal default, then why is it so hard to achieve? Not every overweight person is a couch potato who eats junk food all day, so something else must be going on.

kelloneill September 20, 2022

I walk around thinking I follow most of what pop culture delivers so imagine my surprise at having never had heard about this all! I had to google it to make sure this story wasn't a hoax :D

kelloneill September 19, 2022

Whilst I understand your point, human psychology rarely changes. It's just the way the human mind works. Advances in awareness, technology and societal sway, rarely have much impact on our base instincts. We can say that we agree her privacy should not be infringed upon, we can intellectually know that speculation based on a 30 second paparazzi clip is outrageous. But ultimately, the general public (even the most moral and kind of us) finds a celebrity's fall from grace fascinating. She's a beautiful model/actress with high profile romances and endless cash at her disposal. Realising that even someone who has everything going for them can become addicted or depressed or mentally ill is shocking and intriguing. It's in our nature to want the facts, to know the story and possibly the inside knowledge that not everyone is privy to. It's an endless cycle of human nature, money and greed. I've even found myself convinced that meth or ice is the culprit in this particular situation and I have obviously never met the woman or have any idea what I'm talking about. I know better and yet my mind still goes there. I'm not sure this phenomenon will ever end, we'll just continue to regret our behaviour after the fact.