User Comments

cdot July 20, 2023

Hi there, I had a similar experience in March. I had a difficult end of the year working on a big work project which made me feel low. Then caught COVID and fell pregnant 2months later just as I considered taking the pill again as I felt low. I very soon had severe morning sickness. The first monitoring was a big surprise and was considered as monochorionic and monoplacenta twin configuration which was the highest risk of all twin pregnancies. I started reading up on this and could not see myself with a daily monitoring to see if the babies entangled themselves. I asked for a first termination which I cancelled after staring in the eyes of my 4year old. 2nd monitoring revealed 2 placentas which lowered the risks but not my concerns about how this would impact us and the possible remaining medical complications. Then insomnia kicked-in sleeping less then 5hours every night. I lost 8kg (17 pounds) in two months and started getting panic attacks and severe anxiety as well as heavy morning sickness which pretty much lasted all day. I started getting very confused and worn out with the feeling something was very wrong. I was concerned about the house cars equipment logistics…(part 1)

cdot July 20, 2023

 (part 2) The mid-wife told me to go to the chemist, they would not give me anything. Ended up at my doctor's with a young replacement who prescribed me some antihistamines that reduced anxiety… they were pointless then anxiety pills and antidepressants which could harm the fetuses. By that point I just felt so horrible that I got a termination at week 14, hesitating until the last minute but my partner was very concerned and told me it was for the best… when the hormones went down I hated myself for this. It's been 5 months and I'm still struggling with the idea that I actually went through it. I'm seeing a therapist but acceptance is not an easy thing. I long for another pregnancy but I'm waiting to be more balanced out before I do. Life makes you take stupid decisions. And I'll never know if it was the right one or not.