User Comments

paridhi May 18, 2023

@snorks for sure! And from what I've seen, most good advisors want to make sure their clients understand the advice. But the baseline level of financial education a client has will still make a big difference to their ability to fully appreciate the implications of the advice, which then can impact the extent to which they're able to get value from the plan/advice. I think my point was that professionals will give the level of explanation required for the advice, but that's not a substitute for developing your own financial acumen. 

paridhi May 18, 2023

@sophie  absolutely, some advisors will help with creating a savings plan. However there are also many advisors who specifically choose to work with high net worth individuals and families because many advisors prefer to work with people who already have money. Savings plans alone are not lucrative or a good time investment for most planners, in an industry that is already struggling with high costs of delivery. Good financial advisors (and I've worked with many) absolutely do want to help educate their clients but frequently don't have the time. In fact, the thing I hear from a lot of advisors is that they wish there was more scope for financial education because they see first hand how much their clients need it, and although they try to answer all the questions they can, many concepts require foundational knowledge which clients often lack. As I mentioned in a previous comment, this is something a lot of professionals face eg. Doctors do try to educate their clients, but also have to balance the limited time available to do so. That's just been my experience and what I've seen in the industry. :) 

paridhi May 18, 2023

@snorks absolutely and most good advisors do try their best to help their clients understand the advice. However, they do have limited time with each client and so there's a limit to how much they can educate their clients. Often, they want to do more than the time constraints will allow... As is the case with a lot of professionals (lawyers, doctors etc are often in the same boat.)

paridhi May 18, 2023

@suz m glad you enjoyed it!