User Comments

mandk116 March 4, 2024

That must have been a difficult story to share.  Thank you!  Keep up the therapy, and look after yourself.  Hard cord parenting for sure.  Good luck!

mandk116 February 28, 2024

Perfectly articulated Nicole. Thank you for spelling it out so clearly.

mandk116 February 20, 2024

I don’t know what message this author was trying to communicate. What was wrong with her in the end.? What health plan eventually worked?  Sounds like the fruit diet didn’t work. Was it somply rest?  Confused.

mandk116 January 10, 2024

Really depends on the type of argument.  According to the Oxford Dictionary arguments are typical heated and angry.  That wouldn't be good.  But calm and respectful arguments would likely be OK.

mandk116 September 6, 2023

100% with you Mia. Behind all that cosmetic surgery, fillers or whatevers can only be fear, because the procedures in and of themselves don’t make sense. They’re expensive and painful (I guess) and where do they lead in the long run?  If we hope to live to 90 or more (I do), how are we

to get there with dignity & grace?  We can’t keep doing the whatever’s, and even if we did, we’d end up looking absolutely ridiculous. Look to your 90s ladies. What is the plan? 

mandk116 August 2, 2023

I only iron dress shirts, usually for work, or sometimes for going out, they look smarter that way.  I use the ironing board maybe 3 times a week to iron 1 thing.  In defence of our mothers and grandmothers, fabrics are just different these days. Thank goodness!! 

mandk116 April 5, 2023

Oh poo! I was loving TL3 ‘til this. But, thank you Holly for bringing us a really honest & intelligent POV (correct use?). Thank you for not just telling us what you think we want you to say, ie. thank you for not being an algorithm ❤️

mandk116 March 22, 2023

Perfectly written Jessie. Couldn’t agree more. His carers  obviously have a very hard job, but if we’re pointing out problematic behaviour it’s the woman taking and sharing the video.  Shortsighted, selfish, cruel. Molly will always be the king of countdown to me.

mandk116 June 14, 2022

Mamamia,  thank you for publishing articles written by all ages.  As a Gen Xer with 16-20 (Gen Z) year old daughters, I so cherish hearing the thoughts & opinions of their generation.  It is interesting personally, and informs my parenting in a very direct, organic way.  

mandk116 April 27, 2022

Sounds like, not so much a friendship, but a mentorship.

mandk116 February 21, 2022

Very disappointing. With Nicole’s existing wealth and proven star power I would have thought that she could afford

to refuse to do this sort of photo shoot. I am Nicole’s age but with adult/teenage daughters. Perhaps Nicole’s daughters are too young or protected from social media for her to appreciate what message this shoot might  send to others.  I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt, but stilI feel let down.