User Comments

kabz May 1, 2023

Loved how simple you made it, I am actually tempted to give it ago, 

Before covid that was my normal wake up time, to get ready and out of the door to catch my train to work but after covid 6;30 has been my earliest 

kabz March 10, 2023

I really enjoyed this article this was a good reminder  “Also know that they are probably unhappy inside and/or wishing they had the same courage to take the same risks you did.”

I have taken a risk knowing what I don’t want but yet to know what I want 

kabz November 4, 2022

This is exactly my issue “even if you meet the friend's parents, you can guarantee they will have changed friendship groups by the following week.”

I can’t keep meeting new parents and their kids because I am terrible at names .
I enjoy listening to the podcast- help I have a teenager awesome tips there  especially about sleep overs 
Definitely agree teen group is warranted 

kabz November 4, 2022

Thank you for sharing 

My 13 year old son is very much into abs too, he enjoys sports. My husband and I don’t do any diets, we rarely eat out and I enforce greens in every dinner meal. I am concerned the abs thing will become an obsession but also want to support his discipline,  he has a competitive spirit and I believe most of  the drive is coming from competing with one kid. 
I have said no to the gym but enrolled him in boxing, he has always done martial arts and I think that is sufficient.

Irene May 23, 2022

Your epic Jessie !!! I joined this club, all I do is look at my rings when I am working trying to figure out which workout will close my rings