User Comments

nikim March 11, 2024

Oh dear I was really hoping for more silver linings in this piece 😅🫣

nikim April 8, 2023

These are not fails- they are pretty good! 

nikim January 10, 2023

I just keep thinking, “What happened to this young man as a child?” Children don’t just grow up being naturally rageful

nikim September 28, 2022

@katp Oh yes you're right. I think either way then, she just looks so sad, it's sad to see for any new mum x

nikim September 22, 2022

Oh poor thing, she has this little baby and her body and mind have been through this huge thing of birth and yet she is on full hazard zone. Her eyes in that photo look so sad. No mother should have to feel this way, no matter what fame/income bracket they belong to. I hope she can find some grounding and safety so she can enjoy her little ones 

nikim September 17, 2022

This is an interesting article. I completely get where the trainer is coming from, and yet, I think there is a lot more that gets in the way of one's journey to health than is perhaps  realised.  I remember when I first started training, the mental games began - the 'you are worthless' 'don't bother you are too big anyway'... and this is just the surface compared to those who have suffered abuse and trauma, who want to be their best selves, but equally have needed that bodily shield for so long and start to sabotage their progress as the silent battle begins. As the writer suggests, manners- and perhaps and extra dose of compassion for her client's excuses may also go a long way towards what this journey for some is truly worth.