User Comments

kimtwinn7 June 12, 2024

Kim is an over achiever.

She needs to give her children more attention & more of her time.
For goodness sakes,  she doesn't have to do any housework, laundry, grocery shopping & cooking if she so desires and she can also hire nannies to assist.
Boo hoo, poor Kim

kimtwinn7 June 12, 2024

Thankyou Patric, a very fascinating & informative article and extremely well written. 

kimtwinn7 June 12, 2024

Great article Holly. 

In recent years I've discovered that the women who have bodies that I would kill for, actually feel exactly the same as moi about their bodies. 
AND everything written in this article is my relationship with my myself.
The truth is that no matter what - we would never be totally happy & accepting of ourselves, it's about time we started to.

kimtwinn7 June 12, 2024

He confessed his horrific betrayal in an airport restaurant after she had suffered a miscarriage. How bloody inappropriate & disgustingly hurtful.

He now only goes out with "solid Christian" men. That's what he proclaimed to be & but was really low life scum, even hitting on his wife's friends. Now he has excuses, plays the faithful husband showing his redemption  ...... until the next time he cheats.

kimtwinn7 June 9, 2024

You will feel better if you give Gemma a second chance.  You are both victims of your father's deceit.

Your Mother and sister have hurt you deeply, I understand that you must be heartbroken. Have you told them how you feel? 
Even in big happy families like mine, they have the ability to hurt you beyond what you ever thought. I just have to forget it & forgive them. I send you much love

kimtwinn7 June 6, 2024

@melaniejk7  I'm sure Ashton isn't playing with a full deck. Also, he is now too old to play the good looking, goofy guy again & again & again.

Mila RUN - 

kimtwinn7 June 6, 2024

Their insensitivity and blatant disregard for the victims is incomprehensible. The apology video likens to Prince Andrew's interview, they should sack their PR team.

Are they just not very intelligent & lacking integrity? It seems so.
Are they too egotistical to make a sincere apology. 
Haven't either Ashton or Mila heard of the #Me Too movement 

kimtwinn7 June 6, 2024

Everyone has always known that Israel's response is totally disproportionate. Gaza housed hundreds of thousands of Jewish people - even my Jewish friends were against the settlements Netanyahu furiously built in Gaza until 2007.

Did all the Jews get out of Gaza before the attacks? WHY is this genocide being perpetrated by those that were persecuted in the Holocaust?

kimtwinn7 June 6, 2024

Philbrick & Baker-Harber are both so removed from the real world, it's astonishing. They are SO entitled. I'm tired of these spoilt brats not having to be accountable for their actions. Why didn't he spend more time in prison? White collar crime isn't punished harshly enough. He has to pay 15% of his earnings to pay off 130 MILLION he stole. Lets face it, if another man from a minority group stole $1,000 to feed his family - he would serve more time than Philbrick. AND I'm white. We should IGNORE them.

kimtwinn7 May 24, 2024

Andre Jenkins should be sacked immediately.  He is an overpaid public servant. That email would have further traumatised staff.  How could he get it SO WRONG. I am beyond speechless. 

kimtwinn7 May 22, 2024

@anonymous ABSOLUTELY agree with everything you have said. These voilent monsters should only be able to see their children with mandatory supervison.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand they want payback kn the wife & they know to take away what a mother loves most in the world is the ultimate punishment that they can inflict 

kimtwinn7 January 10, 2024



kimtwinn7 December 3, 2023

OMG in Australia she would have only been sentenced to 2 years or even a non custodial sentence.

Our judges are way way too lenient, for a vicious premeditated murder the offender could be back out on our streets in 10 years. It's disgusting. 

kimtwinn7 October 5, 2023

@houseofvintage I totally agree with Rush, things won't improve when you're married. Your partner should always have your back & show you support.  He doesn't have to have arguments with his mother, but he could privately show you support & understanding & listen when you need to get it off your chest. 

Throughout your engagement & married life he must show his mother that you & he are a united front. 
Good luck.

kimtwinn7 October 5, 2023

@sj. OMG what some misguided people thought was OK is truly horrifying.  I thank God your Grandparents got wind of this biased, draconian, misguided plan that surely was against the law. It doesn't matter how many children your Grandparents had, no one has the right to take their newborn baby. 

kimtwinn7 October 5, 2023

Very insightful Holly, younare absolutely right in that 2nd last paragraph and I am sure Hugh would totally agree with your summation. 

I also like your comment about their third act .......both Deborah & Hugh are very lucky indeed.

kimtwinn7 April 17, 2023

It's just like that old comment from last century- "she was asking for it".
What woman would ask to be violently raped, to have her life ruined, to have all of her hopes for the future dashed.
Society should stop the victim blaming. 

kimtwinn7 April 5, 2023

Thank you, thank you,  thank you,  I totally agree. Extremely well written & I'm so glad you are standing up for our Molly as well as thousands of others.

kimtwinn7 April 4, 2023

You are going to the wrong shops.

They all looked too casual to m

kimtwinn7 September 7, 2022

Absolutely disgusting. Why does everyone overlook this type of behavior. 

What are our young, impressionable  youths learning from their behaviour o f their idols.
Sportsmen & politicians they are exempt when it comes to sexual assault & violence towards women - THATS WHAT I'M WITNESSING.