1. A normal period is between 10 and 60mls of blood total.
2. The first period after childbirth is nearly always ‘anovulatory’ – you don’t release an egg before you bleed. This means it’s probably going to be pretty heavy and gross.
3. One in five women between 35 and 49 have excessively heavy periods and 75 per cent of these women never seek help from a health professional.
4. The urban myth of menstrual synchrony is just that. Studies have found little evidence that women who either work or live together have periods that line up at the same time. It’s believing in period synchrony that makes women look for it. If women have a period for seven days in every 28 there’s a good chance that there will be some overlap at some point, even just for a day or two.
Top Comments
point number 10 is weird - we buy "a lot" of sanitary products. is it a lot? or is it the specific amount we need? noone is buying this for fun.
I thought the same thing.
At first I was expecting how many are bought or how much they cost, not "most women of child bearing age buy sanitary products". Um, der...
Exactly! What else are we meant to do??
Wait, you're telling me they are not like Pokemons?
I've wasted so much time on my collection.