Even in the most communicative relationships, it can be hard to broach certain topics with your partner. Voicing your concerns about your partner’s health can be particularly awkward because when it comes to unhealthy habits, we’re all pretty sensitive.
At the same time, talking openly about health and wellness is incredibly important because when you love someone, you want them to live a long and fulfilling life with you. If your partner has turned into a couch potato who never exercises, has started eating lots of junk food or can’t seem to quit smoking, it’s time to have that tricky chat. But it doesn’t have to be tricky – and here’s how.
1. Prepare yourself for the conversation.
Write a list of your key concerns so you can stay on topic when you do chat to your partner. It’s also a good idea to chat to a health professional so you can arm yourself with facts. Your pharmacist will be able to give you the latest stats on how weight, unhealthy food and a lack of exercise contributes to chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. This might help you explain to your partner that your concern is coming from a place of love – you want them to enjoy a long, healthy and happy life.
Top Comments
Very, very tricky when your partner is deliberately in denial because they don't want to change their habits, despite the consequences. What, don't eat pasta and bacon drowned in cheese every night because it's unhealthy and could lead to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer?
Totally agree.