Finally, someone said what we’ve all been thinking at 2am.
I think I’ve lost count of the articles I have read about celebrity parents telling me how parenting is.
I read them and glance around to lounge room; it’s covered in a week’s worth of folding and Christmas presents that still haven’t made it to the toy room. I slowly pull yet another sticker off my work laptop, scrub the texta mark off it and sigh.
I’m stressed and tired and worried about how I will make it through the day tomorrow and they’re they are telling me it’s all roses and rainbows.
But finally, it seems one Hollywood celeb does actually get it.
In an interview with Porter magazine Emily Blunt, mum to 10-month-old Hazel and actress best known for her roles in The Devil Wears Prada and The Young Victoria, discusses how parenting is “is such a fear-based industry”.